[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!

Start from the beginning

This is the messed up version of Romeo and Juliet.

I felt Romeo scooting over to see the guys. His face so close to mine so I moved over a bit. I felt my face heating up although the chilly breeze was slamming my face.

"Who the hell is that?" Wesley pointed at Romeo with a scrutinizing look of disgust. Romeo made a small wave which made Wesley clench his teeth.

"Oh him? He's Romeo." I replied simply, I turned my head giving Romeo a warm smile.

A wave of thought passed Wesley's mind making everything silent. He dropped the pebbles he have been clenching in his hand and suddenly scurried to leave.

Okay, what just happened?

Brandon, Luke, Cole, Terrence, and Dylan followed after him. It's as if they read his mind.

When the spots they stood in were empty, I slid the window closed and locked it. I sighed and pulled the blanket beside me to my cold body. I was about to reach out for my book until.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Romeo said. "Avalon said that you and the two other girls didn't." He told me curiously.

"Oh no, I don't. That's just Wesley, he usually barges into my plans like this all the time." I explained and snuggled into the blanket even more. "Me and him? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Please, he's the player of the academy. He had plenty of girls following after him and besides I don't even like him."

Why did it feel so wrong to say that?

"Sorry I was assuming things, but he did seem jealous. Are you sure you aren't more than friends?" Romeo reasoned with me and took off his leather jacket.

"No, we aren't. Its completely platonic." I stated truthfully. But a heaviness was set on my stomach and my heart clenched at the same time.

My stomach was feeling weird by the second. "Hey, Romeo. I'm gonna fetch some pizza, is that alright with you?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

I pushed the blanket away from me and walked over the countless number of pillows laid on the floor. I went on over to wear the food was. Because we all know that's my favorite spot.

I grabbed a paper plate and got two slices of Alfredo Spinach pizza along with a cherry coke can inside Avalon's refrigerator. I closed it with my hip and proceeded over to Romeo.

Until a thunderous knock resonated throughout the dorm.

I decided to ignore it, it might be someone coming by as a mistake.

All the girls, except Alice, Destiny, and I, were piled in front of the television flipping through all the Netflix shows. They each had a bowl of popcorn on their laps.

They were fighting over what to watch. Whether if it was Psych or Pretty Little Liars. It was a competition between the five of them.

I examined Destiny to check if she was alright. She was laughing hysterically with the black-haired model. It was as if she was going to die of laughter. The model was laughing alongside with her also.

I moved my eyes over to Alice and the blonde- hair model, they seemed to be getting along just fine. They were both biting into their pizzas with happy eyes.

For once, I can relax without having to think about anything else because everyone was happy.

The thunderous knock came at it again.

"Gosh, Stella can you get that?" Avalon managed to shout while pulling the TV remote from Alyssa.

I nodded my head and lifted the pizza for me to bite. I left my coke can on the table near the pizza. I headed on over to the tall, polish, wooden door. My feet were cold, but it was great that I had my Narwal heating slippers. I wanted to see the peephole on the top but it was too tall for me. So instead I unlocked the door. I opened it wide open to reveal.

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