[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!

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  • Dedicado a Nikki

[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!


Stella Miller's POV


No I do not have anger issues.


Why am I still confused and angry simultaneously?!

Let me write down the only people I know. I began writing a list of people that actually knew me.

Mom, Melissa and....Frank.

Okay having those three names made me think 'wow, I really don't have friends.'

*Cries internally*

I already knew that Melissa wouldn't have sent the application. Like come on! She's six years old. Then mom is at the hospital doing her chemotherapy and that leaves the only single adult that practically lives here and the person left on my significantly small group of friends is.


This seems so like him!

Frank has always been spoiling me with many things I really don't need and could probably use the money for my mother.

I made another list on my head with the actual possibilities of joining one of the prestigious schools in America.

Amazing opportunity for a better life

Could probably get a good job in the future

Help Melissa have the best she deserves

To help mom

Those were the top four things urging me to go.

Before I start anything, I decided to call Frank. Tiredly, I reached inside my pocket and dialed the order of numbers I've memorized for years now.

"Hello?" Frank's deep voice came through the receiver.

"Haha, hello Frank Jennifer Vargas. I just wanted to ask you WHAT IS THIS LETTER FROM WEST VILLE ACADEMY DOING IN MY DWELLING!?" I shouted hoping to break his eardrums.

"Hey! Don't bring my middle name into this! And the letter came today!? That's wonderful! I'm going to come over in a sec, I'll bring balloons, cake, chocolates, ice-" Frank rambled before I interrupted him with my not-in-the-mood tone.

"Frank! Don't you dare buy any of those." I threatened then took a breath trying to process the information in my brain. "Why did you send a letter without telling me? You know what condition mom is right now. I can't just leave."

"Stella, I wanted it to be a surprise!" He always says that. "Also I can take care of Victoria, she used to help out my family before. It's my turn to help her out. With the grades you have currently, I'm sure you will pass the academy with flying colors. Don't worry about Jefferson High (Stella's school now) I'll take care of it. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet a certain person who will be your future husband." Frank spoke in a falsetto voice in the word 'husband.'

"Okay you can quit it now! Anyways, thanks Frank. My family is honestly lucky to have a friend like you." I told him in my most earnest voice.

"No prob, bob!" This guy is almost twenty six years old and he literally is a teenager. Maybe we should switch ages? Hahaha, no. "I left a present for you at your front door! You've always been raving about it since you started the job."

"Again with the gifts Frank." I strolled closer to my screen door. "Bye, see you later." Then I hung up.

I unlocked the door and it revealed a blue wrapped box sitting in front of the steps of my house.

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