chapter one.

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He kept running. It's all he could do. He ran where no one would find him.

The magical forest.

No one dared go there. For all rumors were you'd be killed by a witch or possesed by a demon.

But he didn't care anymore. He ran and ran until he fell.

He breathed, breathlessly. He looked up at the sky. The stars shone brightly. The galaxy above was what soothed him.

"I wish I was a star" he sighed. He looked in front of him and saw a river and hill with trees resting on top of it. He stood up.

He pulled out a knife and walked to a tree beside him.

"I'll build a home, for myself, I'll build a home, where no one can find me" he said as he cut the bark from the tree.

"This is where I live now"


"Legend has it that, the prince Jeon Jungkook never wanted to be a prince so he ran away, no one knew where till one day the King's army found him...but nobody to this day knows if he was found dead or he escaped" Taehyung looked at his friend Hoseok with fear.

"Dude...what the fuck! We're going on a school trip to that place he lived in!" Taehyung said. Hoseok laughed.

"Did you forget the "legend has it" bit?" He asked Taehyung who pouted.

"This is stupid, I don't wanna go here anymore!" Taehyung said taking his seat belt off. Hoseok quickly clicked it back on.

"Dude, chill, it's not like the old rumors are true!"

Taehyung turned slowly to his friend "rumors?"

Hoseok nodded leaning against the window. "Yes, the old rumor was that the forest was a magical place, could get killed by a witch or something" Hoseok said unfazed.

Taehyung's mouth dropped. "That's it, I'm done with you!" Hoseok laughed "Taehyung sit down!" He pulled Taehyung back to his seat.

"Where did you find this stuff anyway!"

"From the homework? Remember we had to look up about it on this thing called google-"

"I know what google is dumbass!"

Hoseok gasped "well with the way you were going, I thought you were from the time of Prince Jungkook!"

Taehyung then turned away, putting in his earphones and playing a random playlist he had downloaded.

Why is this whole story called Prince Jeon Jungkook? Wasn't he from a kingdom? Didn't he have a mom and dad who were king and queen? Taehyung thought.

The bus came to a stop in the jungle car park.

"Okay, stick to your partners and you should all be fine!" The teacher shouted over everyone.

Taehyung scoffed "wait until someone falls and faints!" Hoseok laughed at Taehyung's negative comment.

As they walked through the jungle. Taehyung couldn't help but feel dizzy.

Hoseok noticed this and asked him did he need a break or water. Taehyung said yes to the water but no to the break.

"I forgot to bring a drink with me" Taehyung sighed taking a sip of Hoseok's water.

"You're stupid!"

"Once we get to the top of this small hill, you will see the remains of Prince Jungkook's house. He built a tree house. Oh- please beware of the hole in the ground, fall through there and you can end up dead" The teacher stated.

Taehyung barely listened. Hoseok kept intimidating him saying that there was a witch that was going to pull him through the hole.

The class walked up and lastly Hoseok and Taehyung did.

Taehyung walked up but felt really dizzy again. This time worse than before.

"Hoseok..." Taehyung tried to call for his friend. But Hoseok ran to the top of the hill. Taehyung stumbled and then fell. But it took longer to reach the ground.

He kept falling and falling.


"OW!" Someone shouted.

Taehyung opened his eyes rather quickly.

Taehyung fell on top of some homeless person.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry i-"

The guy laughed. Taehyung rose an eyebrow.

"You look kinda young to be homeless though"

The guy stop laughing "I am not homeless! I live up there!" He pointed up to the trees on the bigger hill opposite them.

Taehyung looked over and saw a magnificent tree house in the jungle trees.


"What are you doing out here?"

Taehyung looked over "I'm here to see Prince Jungkook's old house but this is- good as new! Nothing like the books!" Taehyung stated.

He looked at the boy beside him. His eyes were wide with fear and confusion.

"Who sent you!"

"Em what?"

"I said who sent you! How did you find me!"

"I got dehydrated?"

Taehyung was so confused. "Why are you so...protective of yourself now?"

The boy looked at Taehyung's clothes.

"You're not from here are you?"

Taehyung shook his head "nah, never lived in a jungle"

The boy sighed.

"I'm Kim Taehyung by the way!"

There was a silence.

"I'm Jungkook"


Oop new story.

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