20. Boys Will Be Boys

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Frank had a little collection of hearts going, each was a different color, moving in rainbow order up to the 14th, and he could guess that the - presumably- last one he'd get would be purple.

He still hadn't figured out who the mystery person was yet, even after wracking his brain for all the people who had ever talked to him throughout the past 6 months, but he still ended up with nothing.

Each of the notes had been song lyrics with the exception of the first one, which he thought was incredibly cute.

He was kind of excited for the last one, he wasn't going to lie. All the build up, all the stress would be gone, and he'd hopefully know who it was.

Frank practically skipped all the way back to his dorm after lessons, he had been jamming out with Ray again, bonding more over their common interests, and now he was heading back.

He ran up the stairs and managed to calm himself down enough to just speed-walk down the corridor, quickly tapping the code in and pushing the door open.

There was three things on his bed, a small teddy bear holding a purple heart, a small box of chocolates, with purple packaging, and lastly, a purple heart with the cursive writing across it.

Frank squealed excitedly, dropping his bags on the floor by the door and basically leaping onto his bed. He picked up the final heart, unfolding it to read its message.

Frank threw a glance to the other hearts, lined up neatly on his desk. So they held a... code? A name maybe? Whoever this person was, they'd put a lot of thought into this.

He needed Jamia. Jamia would be able to help him, she was incredible with this kind of stuff.

He sent her a quick text explaining that he'd be at her dorm in the next few minutes before pocketing his phone and pushing all the hearts into his satchel, opting to leave the bear and chocolates on his bed.

Frank left the dorm room before hesitating, he should really leave a note to tell Gerard where he was going, and returned to the room, scribbling out a note and leaving it on Gerard's desk, which was when it caught his eye.

A pristinely white envelope was sat in the middle of the taller boy's desk, with Gerard's name in the familiar cursive handwriting. Frank frowned, picking up the envelope and turning it in his hands.

He couldn't- it wasn't for him. And he set it back down again, dropping his original note just to the side of it.


When he arrived at Jamia's dorm she was already waiting for him outside, an anxious look on her face, but it quickly diminished when she saw Frank and ran down the hallway to greet him, jumping into his arms.

"Hey Jamia." Frank smiled, patting the girl lightly On the back before setting her back down on the floor again.

"Hey Frank, did you get anything else?" She rushed out, eyeing his bag with an intrusive sense of curiosity.

"Yeah, But lets look when we get back to your room, yeah?" Frank suggested, tugging her round so she was facing back towards her room and entering the small dorm.

"So?" She asked, pulling Frank down onto her bed.

"How good are you at cracking codes?"

"Well... I think I'm okay at them... I dunno, let's see!"

Frank pulled his bag across him, pulling out all 7 hearts and putting them on the bed between him and Jamia.

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