9. Stormy Nights and Bloodshot Eyes

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TW// mentions of drug use

Frank was out at another party. Since the first one, he had met more people, and so, been invited out lot more often.

But Gerard was worried. Frank had been going out to too many parties, too often and staying out too late, and it was starting to catch up with him. His mental state was definitely deteriorating, and Gerard had to physically drag him out of bed most of the time.

And back to real time; Gerard was sat on his bed, finishing off an essay about one of the artists he was studying when there came a thud at the door. He could hear the code being tapped in, although evidently the person either didn't know it or was too out of it to be able to put it in correctly. After what he guessed was about three attempts at putting it in there was another soft thud, a groan and then whoever was outside erupted into a fit of giggles.

Gerard stormed over to the door and pulled it open, yanking Frank inside and sitting the smaller boy on his bed.

Frank was silent for a few minutes, just watching Gerard as he curled up into his bed and fought back tears, the essay completely discarded now. He hated seeing Frank like this, but he knew how much Frank enjoyed going out and socialising, as he was a lot more easy going when he had gotten himself a bit tipsy.


"What?" Gerard snapped.

"...Nothing." Frank whispered, making Gerard feel instantly bad and he rolled over, looking at the smaller boy.

"What?" Gerard repeated in a softer tone, moving to sit next to Frank, his heart speeding up as Frank leaned into him.

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" Gerard asked nervously, Frank never apologised for going out, so something must have happened, something that clearly wasn't good. But Frank was silent, he didn't reply.

"Frankie, look at me."

Frank slowly lifted his head, meeting Gerard's gaze. His eyes were bloodshot and tear-filled, his skin blotchy and he let out a little sniffle.

"Please tell me your eyes are only bloodshot from the tears." Gerard whispered, his hand coming up and cupping Frank's cheek and he leant his head into Gerard's palm, his eyes closing slightly, but still he didn't reply, confirming Gerard's fears.

"Oh, God, Frankie..." Gerard whispered, tears pricking at his eyes, "Why?"

Frank shrugged and looked down at the carpet.

"Someone offered me it, they said it was good, and it was, it was so good Gee, I want more, but I can't have any more." Frank sighed.

"You aren't going to try and get any more are you?"

"No- I- I'm gonna want to, but I want you to stop me I -" Frank cut himself off with a loud giggle.


"You're cute."

Gerard was silent.

"So fuckin' cute-" Frank drawled, leaning onto Gerard again, then straddling across him.

"And I wanna kiss you-" He continued, cupping Gerard's face in his hands as he spoke, then pressed his lips against Gerard's. The taller boy let out a surprised gasp, his hands landing on Frank's hips. He pushed the smaller boy away, holding him out,

"Frank... no, we can't-"

"Why?" Frank asked, frowning and folding his arms like a young child having a temper tantrum.

"Because you aren't in the right state of mind- you're under the influence of drugs Frankie-"

"Doesn't mean I don't like it."

"I- just- no, okay? We aren't having this conversation now Frankie."

"But please Gee-" Frank pulled himself close to Gerard again and let out a breathy gasp.

"Fuck- please-" Frank whined.

"No." Gerard said firmly and pushed Frank off him completely. "You need to go to bed, go to sleep." He said, setting Frank down on his bed.

"Now, do you want me to help you get changed or are you okay with that?" Gerard asked, standing in front of him and sighing when he saw Frank's sheepish smile. He didn't want to, but the amount of times Frank had woken up in last night's clothes and reeking of booze was becoming genuinely concerning for Gerard, and he only wanted the best for Frank.

He pulled Frank's pyjama top from his pillow and set it down next to Frank.

"Stand up." And Frank stood.

"Arms up." And his arms went up. Gerard pulled the blue top he had been wearing off over his head and dropped it at the foot of Frank's bed.

Gerard then knelt down and unbuckled Frank's belt, pulling it out through the loops and dropping it on top of his shirt. He unbuttoned Frank's pants and pushed them down to his ankles,

"Step out." And Frank did, moving backwards and Gerard folded the pants up, placing them on top of the pile of clothes. When Gerard looked back, Frank was standing awkwardly, a blush covering his face and his hands covering his crotch. Gerard pulled the pyjama shirt off Frank's bed,

"Arms up Frankie." Gerard sighed, but Frank shook his head quickly.

"You need to put this on and then you can go to bed okay?"

Frank hesitated but eventually lifted his hands up in the air, and Gerard blushed when he saw the bulge in Frank's boxers, quickly looking away and pulling the shirt over Frank's torso. He pulled the covers back on Frank's bed and guided the smaller boy under them, pulling them up to his chin.

"Goodnight Frankie." Gerard whispered, pressing a kiss to Frank's forehead.


Gerard was woken again about four hours later, in the early hours of morning by a loud sob, although quickly muffled. There was a storm blowing around the campus, cracks of thunder and flashes of lightning lighting up the sky.


"Yeah?" came the shaky reply.

"You okay?"

Frank was silent, but Gerard heard another quiet sob.

"Wanna cuddle?"

A few seconds later Gerard felt Frank climb into his bed, shuffling under the covers to Gerard's side and he rolled over, pulling Frank against him, the smaller boy's head pressed against Gerard's chest and he could feel his shirt becoming damp with the tears.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, what's wrong Frankie?" Gerard soothed, rubbing Frank's back.

"I- I Do-on't like sto-orms." Frank choked out, his hands balling up and clutching Gerard's shirt.

"Hey, I've got you now, it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." Gerard mumbled, holding Frank that little bit tighter.

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