8. "Good morning Fuckers!" - Jamia

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"Good Morning Fuckers!- oh-" a voice yelled, and their dorm door was flung open.

"Jamia?" Gerard mumbled, rubbing his eyes a couple of times and blinking into the light, and his short, bubbly dark haired friend came into view.

"Yes it's me! Did you both have a good nights sleep? You look like it." She grinned, falling down on Frank's vacant bed. The small boy was now curled up into Gerard's side , his arms wrapped tightly around Gerard and his head tucked just under Gerard's chin, his Mohawk still sticking up in some places but the majority of his hair had been flattened against his head, making him look even younger than he already looked.

"Yeah, I did and I think Frank is too." Gerard laughed quietly, looking over at Jamia. His arm was wrapped around the smaller boy protectively and his other hand was resting over then top of Frank's, something he hadn't even noticed he was doing.

"Awh that's cute." She grinned.

"Yeah." Gerard mumbled, looking back down at Frank, carding his fingers through the sleeping boy's hair gently with a small smile.

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah, of course, he's my best friend Jam."

"No, do you like like him? Y'know, more-than-a-friend kind of like?"

"Oh... no, no I don't, not at all-"

"Bull- shit." Jamia laughed.


"You like him, I know it, you don't look at anyone else like that Gee, I know you well enough to know that." Jamia sang, mocking Gerard's affection.

"I don't look at him in any way!" Gerard denied, but he knew exactly what Jamia was talking about. He knew how he completely calmed down and relaxed when he looked at Frank, how every muscle in him loosened and he felt he could truly be himself, how he could genuinely stare at the boy all day if he wanted to.

"Pshh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." Jamia laughed.

"Shh! He's still asleep."

"Alright, alright," she held her hands up in mock surrender, standing up off the bed, "I'll go and leave you and your boyfriend in peace." And with that, she left the room.

"... boyfriend?" A quiet voice sounded from Gerard's chest.

"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it Frankie." Gerard murmured back, stroking his hair again.

"Okay... do we have to get up?"

"Not if you don't want to, it is Saturday."

"Okay... I don't wanna." Frank said, his voice breaking slightly and he pulled himself closer to Gerard, because he had somehow found a way to do so.

"Were you talking about me before?"

"Hm? No, just Jams teasing me."

"Why? D'you have a crush on me?" Frank teased.

"Wha- no! No I don't."

"Hmm, okay, but you'd tell me if you did... right?" Frank asked, his voice quietening at the end and he looked up at Gerard with big eyes.

"Right." Gerard confirmed, although his voice was unsure and he couldn't bring himself to look into Frank's eyes.

"Okay." And Frank snuggled back against Gerard again. Gerard rubbed his hand up and down Frank's back as he stared up at the ceiling.

Frank clearly wasn't completely asleep while Jamia was in their room, but surely he couldn't know how much Gerard did like him, surely.

"Were you awake when Jams was in here?"

"Maybe..." Frank smirked, "But she isn't one to exactly make a quiet entrance is she?"

"Fair enough." Gerard mumbled, well maybe Frank had been half asleep then... hopefully anyway.

A few minutes passed before Frank spoke again;

"Can we get something to eat? 'm hungry."

"Sure but you're gonna have to get up and get dressed cause we don't have any food here."


"Do you want food or not?"

"Finee." Frank groaned and rolled off Gerard, trudging back to his side of the room, pulling out a pair of jeans and a green top and pulling them on.

"Okay I'm ready and I'm hungry can we go now?"

"No I need to get up too."

"Ugh, Gerard!"


"Get up!" Frank whined, tugging at Gerard's arm.

"Fine, Fine I am." Gerard said. Sitting up with his hands in mock surrender. He quickly got changed, pulling on his shoes and standing up.

"Ready?" Frank asked excitedly, jumping up from his bed where he had been sitting, patiently waiting for Gerard to be ready.

"Yep." Gerard smiled at Frank's enthusiasm, but it dropped as he was dragged out the door and down the path leading to the small café where they had gone on the first day of meeting each other.

Frank rushed into the café, to the table they usually sat at at the back of the shop.

"Jesus Christ, Frank, did we really need to run all the way here?"

"No, but I got a bit excited about breakfast."

"Clearly-" Gerard let out a breathy laugh.

"We gonna Order or...?" Gerard asked after a minute.

"Oh, yeah, of course!" Frank said, jumping up, "whaddya want?"

"Just a coffee please."

"Okie dokie, one coffee coming up." Frank grinned and walked up to the counter.

He returned almost ten minutes later, the grin still ever evident on his face, with a full English breakfast, placing it down and running back, coming back with two mugs of coffee.

"You got enough there?" Gerard laughed, picking up his mug and taking a sip from it.

"Yeah-" Frank said through a mouthful of bacon.

"Good Good."

"That's what this is."

Gerard rolled his eyes at the small boy opposite him, he sure had eyes bigger than his stomach and there was no way he could possibly finish the entire plate of food.

But sure enough, twenty minutes later, Frank was using one of the pieces of toast to wipe up the beans off his plate and taking the last bites of that.

He leant back with a lazy smile on his face, his hands resting on his stomach as he grinned at Gerard.

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon."

"Didn't think so." Gerard replied, a small smile on his face as he looked down at the table and back up at Frank.

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