15. idontwannabeyouanymore

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Frank was confused.

Frank was sad.

He was upset, mad, angry, overwhelmed, a lot of things, but mostly upset.

Gerard had sworn by him to be there for him whenever he was feeling so upset, and yet, here he was, crying into Jamia's arms over a 'stupid boy'.

"Shh, Shh, I know Gerard means a lot to you Frank, But he's gonna be hurting just as much as you are now when this is over, yeah? Then you can one-up him and be the better man, look after him, show him what he's truly missing out on, wouldn't that be nice?" Jamia soothed. Frank couldn't count the amount of times Jamia had now said those words to him over the past 4 days.

He was going to visit his parents tomorrow, and was trying to calm himself down enough that he could form a sentence without breaking down again. He had avoided going back to his room as much as possible, only appearing if he needed a change of clothes and had taken to sleeping on the spare bed of the girls' dorm, since Jamia and Lindsey were close enough that they didn't mind sharing a bed so Frank could sleep properly.


"Yeah, sure, I'll call you as soon as I get back to the campus mom, geez, okay, goodbye!" Frank called out, pulling out of his parents driveway as his mother pestered him about staying safe. He had missed his parents, he could safely say that, and it felt nice to have a proper full hot meal again.

And all too soon he was pulling back into his space on campus and glancing up to where his dorm was, frowning when he saw the curtains closed. He checked his watch, it was almost 11pm, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about... right?

Frank had decided to try and talk with Gerard, to voice his concerns to him when he got back, but if the curtains were closed then that must've meant Gerard had already gone to bed... maybe he was already asleep.

He climbed out of his car, locking it as he walked away and trudged up to the room, walking as slow as possible and not wanting to actually have to talk with Gerard. He tapped in the code and pushed open the door, stilling when he peered into the room.

His jaw dropped.

Gerard was on his back on the bed, Bert on top, and only one lamp on in the room. His roommate was letting out breathy moans in time with Bert's thrusts and the bed was knocking against the wall lightly. Although they were both under the covers, it was completely obvious what they were doing.

Frank ran.

He ran so fast he was pretty sure he dropped some of his belongings on the way. Tears streamed down his face.

Frank was a wreck.

He knocked lightly on the door he had reached before crumpling to the floor in front of it and sobs wracked through him.

He heard quiet murmurs from inside and the door opened a tad before being pulled all the way open.

"Frank? Frank are you okay? Why are you here? What's happened?" Lindsey asked, wrapping her arms around the crying boy, just sitting next to him, her foot keeping the door open.

"Lindsey? What's taking so- oh Frank!" Jamia whispered, dropping down on his other side and leaning against him, holding one of his hands and her other arm wrapping around his shoulder.

"D'you wanna come inside?" Jamia asked after a moment, and Frank nodded dully, accepting both of the girls' help to get him standing up again and moving into their room.

"Here, sit down," Jamia led him to her bed, which was messy and unmade, obviously they had both been trying to get to sleep, "Do you want a glass of water?" Frank shook his head, curling up in his sitting position.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed now." Jamia murmured, pulling the sheets straight around him before kneeling in front of him and unlacing his converse, pulling them of and placing them at the edge of the bed, just tucked away.

"Jeans off?" Frank nodded, attempting to fumble with the buckle before Jamia's delicate hands pushed them away and undid it for him, undoing the button and zipper seconds later.

"Stand up for me?" She asked, kneeling back on her haunches, and he did, his arms hanging limply at his sides while she tugged the heavy fabric down over his legs.

"Back into bed now." She whispered, glancing over to Lindsey who was already curled up in her own bed, fast asleep again.

"You're gonna have to cuddle with me tonight." She added once Frank had laid down in the bed. He just nodded again and shuffled over, letting her lie down again. He had expected her to be the one cuddling up against him, but after a few moments of shifting he ended up with his head against her breasts and his arm thrown loosely over her waist, the same way that Gerard used to hold him... 


When Frank woke up he was alone. Both girls had gone out, and there was a note on his pillow saying that they'd gone into town to go shopping, or 'browsing' as Frank liked to call it - they never usually bought anything, just browsed through until it was time to go home again.

His phone was lying on the small bedside table the girls shared, the screen lit up briefly telling him he had a message.

The most recent one was from Jamia, telling him where they were and what time they were aiming to be back, the second one, from earlier that morning was from Lindsey just saying that they had gone out, one from even earlier was from his mom at about 6am asking that he was okay as he hadn't called that night and then there was one more.

It was from Gerard.

"I need you."

Frank never moved so fast as when he pulled his jeans on and buckled his belt up, dashing from the room and picking his converse up on the way and sprinting all the way back to his dorm room. He basically punched a hole in the door with how hard he was typing in the code and flung the door open, seeing a scared looking Gerard on his bed, completely swaddled in blankets.


"Gee? Are you okay? Is something wrong? Did anyone hurt you?" Frank rushed out, barely able to catch his breath.

"No I'm fine I just- I-I-I'm so stupid, please forgi-i-ive me." He choked out, tearing up. Frank rushed to his side, climbing onto the bed next to him, pressed up against the taller boy.

"Why? What's wrong? You're not stupid." Frank murmured, resting his head on Gerard's shoulder.

"But I am! I know you're upset about Bert. Hell you haven't even been back here since you first met him! And I just ignored you when I did see you, I'm so sorry, I just-"

"Is he your crush?"

"Hmm? Bert? No, we're just friends... I don't think we're even that anymore."

"What? But I though- but you two were-"

"I know, I know, but I was stupid okay? Can we just leave it at that?" Gerard asked sadly and Frank knew better than to push him, instead he crawled over Gerard's lap so he was straddling the taller boy and wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck, tucking his head into Gerard's shoulder.

"Fuck-" Gerard breathed out as he pulled Frank closer against him, but Frank pulled back, worried,

"What? Is there something wrong? Am I squashing you?" He asked.

"No! No," Gerard smiled, pulling Frank back against him again, "I don't deserve you, you're honestly like a blessing to my life, did I just dream you? Make you up?"

"Pfft no," Frank said, but didn't move from where his head was 'cause Gerard would have seen the bright blush across his face.

"Are you sure? Are you even real?" Gerard continued, giving Frank a small squeeze.

Frank giggled before trying to muffle it with Gerard's shoulder.

"No! Don't hide your laugh, it's nice, I like hearing it." Gerard whispered, his breath tickling against Frank's neck as he did so.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Gee."

Room 054-2 (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें