10. Mad All The Time (Waterparks)

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TW// Mentions of drug use - Specifically MDMA (ecstasy)

Gerard felt that Frank was getting better. At least that was what he had thought.

They had had a few small arguments about Frank leaving the room after a certain point and always coming straight back from his classes, but nothing major, and said small arguments had seemed to have ceased, which caused Gerard to think Frank was getting better.

But all that success came with a downfall as Gerard sat at the edge of his bed, his head in his hands absolutely sobbing his heart out. They had agreed Frank would be back by 10, and it was now 11.30, with no word from Frank.

The amount of what-ifs running through Gerard's brain was enough to send him mentally insane and he hadn't been able to physically move since 11, his brain completely shutting down on any logical thought processes.

A sharp knock at the door had him letting out a small gasp and he tried his best to wipe away the tears from his face, knowing full well that it wasn't Frank at the door - he would have attempted to get in - and it also wasn't Lindsey or Jamia as they both had tight sleep schedules and never came by past 11 unless it was absolutely necessary.

He pulled open the door, accidentally letting out a little sniffle as he did so and he rubbed his hoodie sleeve across his face again.

"Hi, Um are you Gee- uh, Geerard um Way?" The guy asked quietly and he shifted under Gerard's' gaze uncomfortably.

"That is what it says on the door, does it not?"

The guy nodded quickly before hesitating again, his eyes flickering back down just to the left of the doorway, somewhere he had been looking quite frequently.

"What are you- oh" Gerard started, stepping out of the door. Frank was slumped against the wall, his eyes grazing over Gerard lazily and he grinned at the taller boy- "Frank! Oh, thank god you're back, I- I-" Gerard fumbled over his words and tears threatened to spill again.

"So this is his dorm, right?" The other boy asked, sidestepping away from the doorway slightly.

"Yes, thank you so much for bringing him back-" Gerard smiled up at the boy gratefully before turning his attention back to Frank. But he hesitated and looked back up to the boy,

"Wait, how did you know to bring him back here?"

"... he told me to?"

"Do you know how much he's drank? Has he taken anything?" Gerard asked, his eyes wide with worry.

"He hasn't had much to drink I don't think, but he might have taken some MDMA-"

"Some what?" Gerard screeched.


"I know what it is! I- He- No- I- You can go- I'm-" Gerard stuttered, his brain shutting off again and he boy nodded and shuffled off down the corridor.

Gerard's gaze fell back to Frank, who was looking up and down the corridor with wide eyes, his jaw clenching and unclenching as if he were expecting something.

"C'mon Frank." Gerard whispered, pulling Frank up by his arm and the smaller boy grinned brightly at Gerard.

"Gee!" He cheered, stumbling slightly as he did so and his cheek smushed up against Gerard's own, to which he giggled loudly at.

Gerard was silent, he didn't want to lash out at Frank, and he also didn't want to break down into tears, so silence was really the best option for him. He dragged the smaller male through their door, letting him fall onto his bed.

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