4. Doodles

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They sat, again, in the back corner of the coffee shop. Almost imaging the exact positions they had been in last time - Frank lying his head on his arms and Gerard sat opposite him, hunched over his book, well, it wasn't a reading book this time, it was a sketch book.

After much deliberation, Frank had given in and agreed to let Gerard draw him as part of a study.

"Please, you're like the only person I know well enough to ask to draw without it being weird." Gerard had begged.

"Will you stop moaning at me if I say yes?"

"Yes! I'll even buy you a coffee as a way of thanks!"

"I'm in." Frank grinned, unaware of how well Gerard actually knew him, turned out bribing him with coffee was actually a pretty good way of getting Frank to comply, as well as Gerard getting his regular morning coffee out of it.

So here they were, back in their favourite little coffee shop with Gerard drawing Frank.

"You have a really nice bone structure, y'know, it's really nice to draw." Gerard said, glancing up at Frank for a moment before returning to his drawing.

"I think that's the gayest thing I've ever heard you say." Frank snorted and watched bemusedly as a blush rose on Gerard's face.

"Not that that's a bad thing y'know, cause I'm pretty damn gay if I may say so myself." He added at Gerard's lack of response, worrying he had offended him.

"I know." Gerard said, looking up at Frank again before his eyes dropped back to his work.

"How long do I have to sit like this? My arms are starting to hurt." Frank groaned after a minute of silence. As Gerard had predicted, he liked to talk and fill the silence - usually because he felt uncomfortable in it - and not that that was necessarily a bad thing, it could just deter Gerard from whatever he was doing sometimes.

"Not much longer, but if you keep moaning it will be."

"Oh I only moan for you baby." Frank whispered, a cheeky grin on his face before his eyes widened and he realised what he said. Gerard, thankfully, ignored him - or hadn't heard him - and just continued with his work.

Frank sighed, his eyes wandering across the table to Gerard's sketchbook, but he now had it on his lap so was impossible for Frank to see.

In the half hour they had been sat there, Gerard had shifted around multiple times - twelve to be precise - Frank was counting.

He had sat normally at the table, sat with his legs crossed and the book on his lap, sat with his knees up on the bench to the side of him with the book resting on his thighs, sat with his knees against the table - the book still on his thighs -, repeated those twice and then moved between the first two twice. Gerard was now sat with his legs crossed.

"Can I get another coffee?"

"Sure, when I've finished."




Although Frank broke his short stand by not continuing his defying of Gerard.

A few minutes passed and Frank swore he was about to piss himself if he wasn't allowed to move for much longer.

"Okay, Okay I'm done... ish... you can go get another coffee if you wanna..." Gerard said, trailing off when Frank shot up out of his seat in the direction of the bathroom before he finished.

He returned a few minutes later patting his hands dry on his jeans.

"God I didn't realise how much I needed to piss until I actually pissed oh that felt so good." Frank said, sliding back into the booth.

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