- 01 ∘ cyprus turner

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CYPRUS TURNER HATED summers spent at Ara Academy, more so than his ability to perfect a Patronus charm, and his grandmothers cooking.

Nonetheless, Cyprus Turner was a hell of a powerful wizard, and that Patronus charm is well... getting there.

"One more time, come on Kalista it's a simple spell."

"Simple my ass," Kalista huffed pulling her wand to the side.

"Come onnnnn, it is a simple spell... just focus and you'll be okay."

Kalista huffed once more, "Cyprus... I can't... it's too much..."

Cyprus put his wand down observing the raven-haired girls frail state. "You need to remember these memories, it's only going to make you stronger... not weaker. It was like that for me too the first time I casted it, it only gets easier though, not harder."

A weak smile plastered Kalista's face as she put her wand back up — moving away from Cyprus, "Cyprus Turner, you will be the death of me,"

The summer of 1994, was different... in a lot of ways. For Harry Potter, summer droned on slowly at Number 4 Privet Drive. And for Hermione Granger, summer was spent mostly with her family or with a book. As for Ron Weasley, summer was spent in anticipation for the Quidditch World Cup, which was only two weeks away. And as for Kalista Black, summer was spent... well, quite odd really.

Kalista had only spent one week at the Burrow before Molly and Arthur Weasley had taken her to the heart of London to a quite odd looking building to any passing muggle, but to any wizard the building was an adored white four walls with incredible big windows. A simple title appeared at the front of the building — Ara

The Weasley's left leaving Kalista one last bone crushing hug and a reminder that she would be coming back to the Burrow via the Floo Network, Kalista was plunged into learning spell after spell some she didn't even know existed.

This is where she met Cyprus — Cyprus was mysterious at first, he was quiet and always seemed to be disappearing right before Kalista got a word out. But, their friendship slowly grew after they ran into each other in the connecting dormitory hallways one night. Kalista practically pinned him down to get him to talk to her — not one of her finest ideas but it worked out.

Cyprus didn't say much about his personal life to Kalista, just that his parents died shortly after his birth and his aunt took him in to raise him. Oddly enough Kalista liked that he was so secretive about his personal life — he never asked questions about her family knowing full well she is the daughter of Sirius Black. He just wanted to get to know her.

On this particular day the newfound friends were practicing remembrance spells, a key spell to decipher memories from both of their pasts. All that Kalista was able to make out was her mum playing with her when she was a baby and a memory of a big bright green field scattered with the biggest sunflowers she had ever seen.

"OK Lis, do it again," Cyprus spoke staring directly at the girl sprawled out on the floor in exhaustion.

"Mhm," Kalista mumbled.

"Up," the young boy spoke extending a hand to the to the young girl.

Kalista grabbed his hand pulling herself up from the cold hard floor, "Ok, just one more time and we'll be done," Cyprus spoke slowly. "Mhm," Kalista muttered again reciting the slow spell in her head and she pulled her wand into position, "recordatio memento" Kalista hesitantly spoke using the same wand pattern she learned so many weeks ago.

The field. That same damn field, that's all Kalista could pinpoint. Kalista opened her eyes, "So, what did you see?" Cyprus questioned looking at the semi stunned but annoyed girl in front of him. Kalista groaned "That field! That damn field why is that all I'm seeing, shouldn't I be seeing something more interesting like I don't know maybe my parents?" Kalista groaned letting herself slide to the floor once more.

"Well, maybe that field has a greater significance and you just don't know yet," Cyprus answered quietly as he slid into the spot next to Kalista.


That night, Kalista lay awake in her empty dormitory. The head women of For All, Professor Moria had already made her round making sure Kalista was in her dorm before retreating to wherever the professors of this building retreated to.

The rain was pouring down this summer night — Kalista always loved the rain so she was happy to listen to the pouring sounds and she lay awake in her dark room. A sharp tap on the window signaled Kalista to look to her right as she started right at the large-eyed delivery owl.

"Ah," Kalista spoke to herself quietly standing up fast to open the window. The bird moved closer to Kalista letting her slide the rolled paper off of its foot. The owl remained at the window waiting patiently starting back at the girl. "What do you want?" Kalista whispered quietly. The owl looked back at her as if it was an obvious question. "A treat, a treat is what you want," Kalista spoke softly with a tinge of sadness laced in her voice. Kalista grabbed a small bag from a nearby nightstand grabbing the treat and giving it to the owl. The owl bowed closely as it received it's award of praise and gave Kalista a gentle peck on the hand before hurriedly flying off.

Kalista watched at the window as the owl descended across the midnight sky in London. She signed and closed the window scurrying back to her bed. The young girl grabbed her wand from the nightstand right next to her bed, "Lumos," she spoke quietly. She unraveled the parchment being careful not to let the crinkling noises of the parchment be too evident. She read the parchment to herself.

Dear Kalista,
I hope this letter reaches you safely. I don't think I will be expecting a response from you, but nonetheless I still wanted to check up on you. I arrived at the Burrow today, I forgot how lively it is here. Molly and Arthur are absolutely incredible. I've been forced to hang out with Ron alone and do I tell you he's a pain unfortunately. Mr. Weasley is supposed to pick up Harry tomorrow, so perhaps he will send you something soon. The Weasley's told me you're enjoying your time in London and that you will be coming home next week. I'm really excited to see you, I've missed you a lot. Anyways I won't keep this too long — come home quick Kalista, I miss you. (I know I already said that, but I really do) I can't wait to spend time with you and Ginny at the Qudditch World Cup — even if Qudditch isn't my thing. All the best Kalista, I'll see you soon.

Kalista put down the parchment with Hermione's handwriting inscribed on it. A small smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

"Ah" She sighed laying against her pillow — her eyes slowly fluttering shut.

AUTHORS NOTE: woah.... it feels weird to be semi back ??? firstly i just wanted to apologize for abandoning selcouth for so long. at the time of posting my last chapter i had new chapters lined up, but finals last school year got in the way so i had no time to post :( i kind of gave up on selcouth for a bit once i started to lose interest in the HP universe unfortunately. i still love this universe and the series to bits but i really did not want to force myself to write when i was unmotivated and uninspired. firstly i just want to thank everyone for 13k+ reads!! that's CRAZY when i stopped posting selcouth was at 1k and i didn't expect for people to actually read and enjoy this so thank you sm :') right now i'm still trying to figure out how i want to work out the rest of this story, BUT i also want to get you guys involved, so if there's anything you want to see whether that be scenes about harry and kalista or with sirius or any other character please feel free to leave it in the comments or to PM me ! i don't really know when the next chapter will be but definitely in the next two weeks. thank you guys so much again for reading :)
- h

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