- 01 ∘ and so it begins

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"EVERYONE, UP! UP!" Molly Weasley's voice pierced the air of the Burrow as she sauntered up and down the stairs waking everyone up for the day ahead of them. Kalista Black, still half asleep, grumbled as she heard Mrs. Weasley knocking on each door, waking everyone from a pleasant sleep.

Kalista soon opened her eyes, peering over her shoulder to see if Ginny Weasley was awake. Quietly, she made her way out of bed, tip-toeing to the other side of the room where Ginny laid asleep. She quietly towered upon the younger girl with the bright red hair.

"Ginny!" Kalista whispered, Ginny herself letting out an inaudible groan. "Ginny wake up!" Kalista spoke once more, nudging her shoulder a few times, waiting as she finally opened her eyes.

For as long as the two girls could remember, they were always connected at the hip. After the events following Kalista's own parents Sirius Black and Adaline Stonehouse, Kalista was taken to The Burrow per Dumbledore's request to live out her life with the Weasley family. When Ginny was born, Kalista instantly took a liking to the young girl with burning red hair framing her head. From that point on, the two spent every waking second together, never leaving each other's side.

The only time Kalista ever had to leave Ginny is when she started her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and to say the least tears were shed during the summer before Kalista's departure.

"Kalista," Ginny groaned, still half asleep, "Isn't it a little too early?"

"It is early, but Molly said everyone had to wake up early, so get uppppp" Kalista spoke once more gently nudging the poor girl once again.

Kalista made her way back up to her bed, grabbing the clothes she set out the night before, quickly changing.

"Finish up soon!" She yelled over her shoulder into the room Ginny still remained asleep in.

"Ah... and look who we have here, Miss Kalista in the flesh." The voices of Fred and George rang the house, smirks plastered on both of their faces.

"Gred and Feorge, how is this fine morning going for you today?" Kalista asked, sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Just the usual... we put a spider in one of Ron's socks.. let's hope he's able to find it."

And with that the three heard the familiar rumble of Ron's scream echoing throughout The Burrow.

"Goodness you two, you know how much Ron hates spiders, seriously?"

"That's exactly why we did it," Fred and George high-fived each other before walking away.

Molly Weasley's voice could be heard once more, "Right, everyone; let's go, it's time! Make sure you have everything packed. Off we go." Mrs. Weasley spoke with slight hysterics in her voice.


Ginny and Kalista both pulled their trunks as they made their way to the passageway between Platforms 9 and 10, letting Ron and Harry go first before they descended onto Platform 9 3/4 themselves.

With the help of Ron and Harry, Ginny and Kalista managed to get their trunks onto the train before saying their goodbyes to Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.

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