- 04 ∘ maybe i don't want heaven

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WHEN THE TIME came for the third years first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Lupin, the buzz, mostly with the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws of the new DADA Professor swarmed the halls of Hogwarts like a wildfire.

The morning of the dynamic fours first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson had Ron, Harry, and Hermione sat at their normal spots in the Great Hall. Kalista, on the other hand, was currently sat in Professor Dumbledore's office, waiting for the arrival of Dumbledore himself to make an appearance.

With a pop, the familiar sound of apparition being heard from behind Kalista, Kalista turned in her seat as Dumbledore made his way to the other side of his desk, sitting down a smile plastered on his face.

"Miss Black, I have requested your presence to talk about a certain Sirius Black." Dumbledore said looking intently at the eyes of Kalista herself.

Kalista swallowed thickly, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she listened to the unwanted name of Sirius Black.

"S-Sirius Black?" Kalista said staring back at the wise eyes of Dumbledore.

"Now, I know you know about the recent escapement of your father-"

"He's not my, father." Kalista spat as she took a deep breath.

"Sirius Black, then. Perhaps it is in your best interest to loathe or even say you hate this man, Kalista. But I couldn't help but wonder the severity of how you may be feeling?"

Kalista leaned forward in her chair as she continued on listening to Dumbledore.

"In the three years, you have been at Hogwarts, everyone immediately knew that you are the daughter of Sirius Black and Adalaine Stonehouse but in the three years I have watched intently at you not once have I heard you daft on about Sirius Black. My question to you is: How are you really feeling after his escapement, Kalista?

Kalista's head swarmed as she thought of all the possible excuses she could make to Dumbledore. The thought of Sirius made her stomach churn, and although she was well aware of Sirius being somewhere out there on the loose, Kalista still had nothing to say. It was better if she kept her emotions about her family bottled up and away it would only make things easier.

"Sir, Sirius Black may be my father by blood, but he will never truly be anything to me. Sirius is a murderer, a deranged sick murderer and I never ever want anything to do with him. My family lies with the Weasleys and my friends here at Hogwarts, not with him. I hope he is found and put right back in Azkaban where he belongs."

"Very well so, Miss Black, you may be excused." Dumbledore said as he gave Kalista a small smile.

Kalista clutched her bag at her side, knuckles turning white as she made her way through the many corridors on the lookout for somewhere quiet. The words of Dumbledore swarmed through her head as she kept walking, unknown to her that her three best friends were on a hunt looking for her all throughout the morning.

Kalista slammed into Harry as they both took a step back, Harry holding onto Kalista's shoulders to steady her from the crash.

"S-Sorry, Harry." Kalista murmured looking down at her feet.

"Kalista! Where have you been? We've been looking for you all over the place!" Hermione said as she took a step closer to Kalista.

Kalista looked up as she saw the faces of her three best friends worry spread throughout them. All she could think about was her short-lived conversation with Dumbledore and the name Sirius Black kept coming back to her.

All throughout her life, people never knew how Kalista would react to the mentionings of Sirius. When the Weasleys told Kalista about her family, they were surprised at how 'well' Kalista took it.

Every time Sirius name was mentioned Kalista would swallow a lump in her throat pretending not to hear so desperately wanting to get away from him. It was better for Kalista this way, to pretend it didn't matter to her, to block out her true origins to pretend she was okay.

Kalista took a final glance at the three faces in front of her, before pushing herself away from her hearing the screams of their voices as they called for Kalista. But she didn't stop, she kept walking not knowing where she was going, but she let her feet do it all and continued on.

Crushed. Kalista felt like her entire body was being crushed. Her breathing was getting more rapid, and her brain screamed for air.

Almost touching the grass Kalista was stopped at a halt by none other than Professor Snape. Kalista still felt like she couldn't breathe and her brain was swirling in many different directions.

"Miss Black, shouldn't you be in your lesson right now? Professor Snape looked at Kalista a disgusted look on his face.

"Pro-Prof-Sir..." Kalista stuttered

"I-I was just trying to get some fresh air, I was with Professor Dumbledore earlier and the conversation just put me a bit on edge."

If there was anything Kalista could take away, it was that she did not trust Professor Snape at all. She refrained from mentioning that the reason she was on edge at the moment is that she was discussing Sirius Black with Dumbledore and she didn't want anything slipping out.

"Miss Black I expect that if you are feeling ill to report to Madame Pomfrey immediately, otherwise head up to your class right now." Snape looked back at the young girl a hint of sorrow left in his eyes.

Kalista stared at Snape for a moment longer before turning the opposite way and making her way to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Sirius Black. The name loomed around in Kalista's mind. She took a second to collect herself and get her breathing back to a steady pace, but she still had a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Sometimes, she just wanted it to stop.

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