13 • the doomed day

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THE FOUR WERE known to make... questionable choices. Perhaps it was their inner Gryffindor always seeking for chaos or, maybe their questionable choices were decided on the fact that a man by the name of Voldemort took everything away from two human beings — Kalista Black and Harry Potter. Perhaps these questionable choices weren't so questionable after all, but just mechanisms to deal with... life.

When Adaline Stonehouse was a student at Hogwarts, the holiday season was always something she dreaded. Unlike her daughter who loved this time of year, Adaline wasn't accustomed — you could say — to the holiday joy.

Adaline referred to Christmas as the "Doomed Day" the day where everything went wrong, as she stuffed her body into a tight-fitting corset, and spent her night in the arms of boys of pureblood families whom she didn't care for at all.

Adaline and Kalista had many things in common, but a love for Christmas wasn't one of them.

A dreamless sleep cascaded upon Kalista as her breaths slowly rose and fell. It had been a while since Kalista had a soundless sleep — no distractions took away from this time... almost no distractions.

"Kalista!" A voice screamed.

Seconds passed, and, "Kalista wake up!" The voice screamed again.

Kalista grumbled. Still half asleep, she pulled the covers over her head.

Suddenly, the covers were ripped off of Kalista's body, as the cold air consumed her.

Kalista finally opened her eyes, peering around to find who exactly decided to wake her up at this ungodly hour.

Kalista squinted up as she looked into the eyes of none other than Hermione Granger.

"Hermione!" Kalista groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"It's Christmas, Kalista! Happy Christmas!" Hermione squealed happily, jumping onto Kalista's bed.

"Christmas? Oh... Christmas!" A glint passed through Kalista's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Hermione questioned at Kalista's tone of voice.

"Me? Yeah, of course, I'm okay," Kalista responded.

Hermione shot Kalista a puzzled glance, but it quickly turned it into a small smile.

"Harry and Ron are waiting for us downstairs, we should go," Hermione spoke pulling Kalista out of bed.

The Gryffindor common room was covered in Christmas decorations, adding a festive essence into the room. Garlands were strung on the railings and mantle pieces, and a massive tree was standing in the corner of the common room. Lights covered the entire room, the sparkle of them brightening every corner.

Kalista and Hermione walked down the stairs, in search for Ron and Harry.

"Hermione! Kalista!" Called Ron from the bottom of the staircase. "Happy Christmas!" Ron exclaimed an enormous grin spread on his face.

"Happy Christmas!" Kalista and Hermione responded as they walked down the last few steps.

"Happy Christmas, Lista!" Harry sheepishly spoke giving Kalista a quick hug.

"Happy Christmas, Harry," Kalista responded, her cheeks flushed red from the unannounced hug.

The four sat around the Christmas tree in the common room passing around gifts to one another.

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