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<Modified Quidditch Pitch, Day of the First Task>

Finally, it was the day of the first task, Angelina, Alicia and Willow were sitting in the stands of the modified Quidditch pitch. Fred and George were marching through the rows of students, betting on everything and everyone that had anything to do with the first task. Which was still pretty much a mystery.

"Those boys" Angelina said rolling her eyes as George yelled particularly loudly. Willow nodded her head, "They have no respect! what if someone gets hurt, or- or" she froze as Alicia put a hand on her shoulder, "Willow, breathe, it'll be fine, the teachers wouldn't let anything too serious happen to anyone, I'm sure", Willow closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "You're right, sorry guys, I'm just really anxious about this whole ordeal". "Merlin Willow! stop apologising", "Sorry," she said ducking her head before a massive grin spread onto her face after realising what she had said. She shared a look with Alicia and Angeline before they all burst into laughter.


Walking back from the Quidditch pitch, Willow suddenly felt someone drape their arm over her shoulder, she looked up into Fred's beaming face and grinned, her face started heating up a little bit. "See Squeak it wasn't bad, only Cedric got hurt and Mrs Pomfrey will sort him out easy peasy", "I know, I know, but how lucky was Harry!", "well put it this way, no one bet that that would happen!". Willow raised an eyebrow at him, "you guys will have that joke shop in no time" she said grinning at him, "what do you mean? You're coming too, you're the brains behind it all, George and I wouldn't last a week without you", "True". "Not the answer I was expecting," Fred said, Willow grinned up at him.


That night the Gryffindor common room was chaotic. The atmosphere in the circular room was INCREDIBLE. Everyone was celebrating Harry's 'win', including Harry who was basking in everyone's attention. Willow stood over in a 'corner' of the room, watching and clapping along with everyone as harry lifted the egg into the air in triumph. She watched grinning as Fred and George hoisted him up onto their shoulders and started chanting all sorts of things. Soon Seamus appeared "Go on Harry, Open it up!", Harry lifted the egg into the air and looked around the room "who wants me to open it?!" he yelled and everyone collectively told him to. Before Willow knew what was happening she was kneeling on the floor, her hands covering her ears as the most dreadful and high pitched shrieking noise came from the opened egg. It reminded her of a sound that she never wanted to hear again. Willow stood up wearily as the sound stopped, everyone was slowly gathering themselves, groaning and uncovering their ears.

Fred and George had dropped Harry, it was then that Ron came in. They weren't on the best of terms and even as Willow was thinking about it, Ron said, "the bloody hell was that?". George was quick to shoo everyone away to mind their own business "this is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sudds listening", Willow smiled wearily her ears still ringing and her head pounding from the noise. Fred came over to her as George went off to find Angelina."Hi" Willow said smiling at him, he smiled back. "Hey squeak" then he looked at her closer, "are you alright?" he asked concerned, "fine, that sound just messed with my head a little, that's all", he nodded understanding and put an arm around her, turning so that they were both facing the room.

George looked over at where he knew Fred had gone to see Willow and grinned widely, he nudged Angelina. "Look," he said and nodded his head in their direction. "Awwww," she replied and smiled at the sight of Willow and Fred whispering to each other, Fred with his arm securely around her shoulder. "They are so cute! why don't they just date!", "I know right!". George smiled and took one last glance at Willow resting her head on Fred's chest as he held her petite frame before looking back to his girlfriend.

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