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<Hogs Head, Hogsmede>

Willow, Fred and George were currently in the Hog's Head, an odd and unpopular little pub and inn on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. Fred was leaning on Willow, his arms around her neck and his chin on the top of her head, the trio chatting quietly as they waited for the meeting to begin. There were quite a few students in the small space, everyone waiting patiently despite the atmosphere being awkward and tense. No one really knew what to expect.

The chatter came to a stop as Hermione stood up, "erm, hi", everyone just stared at her, waiting. She took a breath, "so, we all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher", she glanced around the room and caught Willow's eye who gave her a thumbs up. "One who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts", "why?" some student blurted out, Willow didn't recognise him and didn't like his attitude.

Ron was quick to answer, "cause you know who's back you tosspot!", "so he says" the boy replied indicating towards Harry who looked very uncomfortable. "So Dumbledore says" Hermione input but the boy just scoffed, "so Dumbledore says because he says! Point is, where's the proof", another boy chimed in, "if Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed...".

Harry took a deep breath before standing up and addressing everyone, "I'm not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now!" he turned to Hermione and whispered something urgently, she shook her head. "Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna Lovegood had called from towards the back of the room, everyone's eyes were now back on Harry. "Yes, I've seen it" Hermione answered in Harry's silence, "blimey harry, I didn't know you could do that" it was Dean Thomas who commented now, quite impressed by his peer.

The group continued to point out some amazing and heroic things that Harry had accomplished and defended himself against over the years. But still, Harry looked uncomfortable and unsure of the whole ordeal. "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is most of that is just luck, I didn't know what I was doing half the time and I nearly always had help", Hermione interjected, "he's just being modest". "No, Hermione I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like in school. In school if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow".

He paused for a moment before continuing, "but out there when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don't know what that's like", he sat back down, staring at the floor. Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, "you're right Harry, we don't. Which is why we need your help if we're going to have a chance of beating, Voldemort...", "is he really back?", Nigel a first year asked cautiously. Harry nodded in response.

"Harry, your experience with this kind of stuff is what makes you the perfect teacher, learning from a textbook isn't going to help us at all" Willow tilted her head to the side slightly and smiled at him. He held her gaze before nodding slightly. That was enough to convince everyone, people began to line up, waiting to sign up for 'Dumbledore's Army'.


The next step was finding a place to practice. "Right, first we need to find a place to practice where Umbridge won't find out", a small group of them were walking back to Hogwarts, discussing further details. "The shrieking shack?" Ginny suggested, Harry shook his head, "too small". Fred and George trundled behind the group, not really paying attention, Willow was walking next to Fred, her hand intertwined with his and stuffed into his jacket pocket, trying to warm it up further. "The forbidden forest?" Hermione suggested next, a look of horror crossed Ron's face, "not bloody likely!".

"Harry, what happens if Umbridge does find out," Ginny asked, "who cares!? I mean it's sort of exciting isn't it. Breaking the rules", everyone looked at Hermione in surprise, "who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger!". Hermione grinned before changing the topic, "any way at least we know one positive thing that came from today!", "what's that?" Harry asked, "Cho couldn't take her eyes off you could she?". Willow grinned and whispered to the twins, "I love hearing 5th-year gossip".


"You've done it Neville", the group looked around the room in awe, "you've found the room of requirement" Hermione praised. Ron's shaky voice piped up," the what?", "it's also known as the come-and-go room". Willow's mouth was agape as she admired this beautiful room that she had never seen before, let alone knew that it existed. "The room of requirement appears when a person has real need of it and is always equipped for the seeker's needs", "your knowledge never ceases to amaze me" Willow whispered earning a quick smile in thanks from Hermione. "So, say you really needed the toilet", Neville looked back at Ron questioningly as George smacked him lightly on the upside of his head, "charming Ronald, but yes that is the general idea".

"It's brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back" Harry glanced around the group, a giant grin on his face and for the first time Willow understood why Sirius had been prioritising Harry. She smiled back at him, "I can't wait to learn from you", he was essential if they were to have even a chance in this coming war.


Enjoy !!

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