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<Hogwarts Express, First Day Back>

"Pearl, Pearl" Willow called as she sat on the floor on the compartment calling her cat towards her, the train gave a jerk, and she fell over onto her side, Pearl her tiny tabby cat came up to her and brushed against Willow's face. Fred and George burst into laughter as Willow sat up and started taking cat hair out of her mouth, "yuck" she said as she pulled a particularly long one off her tongue "oops that's mine" she said and laughed, George looked at Fred who's ears had gone a very faint red and smirked.

"She's so cute," Fred said to George as he picked up Pearl and stroked her, his ears went a darker shade of red, "Fred were you talking about Willow or Pearl" George whispered to him so that Willow couldn't hear, Fred grinned sheepishly and George gasped and began to laugh. "What?" Willow asked flattening her robes as she got up off of the floor and sat down across from the twins, "nothing" Fred said quickly, George grinned to himself. "Okay then," she said obviously not believing him.


"Have you seen Harry or Ron," Hermione asked, concerned as she sat with the trio at the Gryffindor table, "no," George said, "why?", "They weren't on the train and they're not here!" she said desperately, "they'll turn up" Willow assured Hermione and put an arm around the poor girl, she was getting very worked up. "Have something to eat it might make you feel better" Fred suggested shrugging, "thanks" Hermione replied.


"Can you believe it, that's the whole Weasley family in Gryffindor" George announced as they were discussed the sorting, after dinner, "I know it's magnificent!" Willow said looking to where Ginny was sitting and talking to a fellow first year. "What Cha talking about?" Lee asked as he wandered over to them in the common room, "the sorting" Fred filled him in. "Oh cool, hey Willow can you help me with something?" Lee asked Willow, "uh sure" she replied.

Lee pulled her to the side and whispered "can you ask Alicia who she likes and report back to me" he wrung his hand nervously and looked away, Willow placed a hand on his shoulder and grinned "sure and I won't tell anyone" she said "you read my mind" he replied smiling at her gratefully. Willow wandered over to the twins and bid them a good night, before heading up to her room.


"Hey, Alicia, do you have a crush on anyone?" Willow asked casually as she sat cross-legged on her bed watching Alicia and Angelina get ready for bed "I'll tell you if you tell me who you like" she replied smiling mischievously and crossing her arms. "Tell me too," Angelina said jumping off her bed sitting on Willow's, "sure because we all know you like George," Alicia said giggling and coming to sit on Willow's bed as well.

"Lee" Alicia said quietly, looking away and blushing slightly, as she smiled shyly, "who?" Angelina asked getting her ear closer to Alicia, "Lee" she said a little bit louder, "who?" Angelina said again cupping her hand around her ear to try and 'hear' her better "LEE" Alicia yelled frustrated. "I knew it" Willow yelled and hugged Alicia who giggled and blushed even more. "Your turn," Alicia said and looked at Willow, boring holes through her with her gaze. Willow thought for a moment, she felt some kind of attraction towards him, she just didn't know if it was a crush or not. She assumed it was. "Fred" Willow admitted quietly and bit her bottom lip as her face heated up, "I knew it" Angelina yelled and jumped up, starting to dance around the room, "you two would be sooooooooo cute together" Alicia cooed and did a little jig whilst sitting down, she almost fell off the bed but caught herself, the three girls all stopped for a second looked at each other. "I like George" Angelina announced, "we know," Alicia and Willow said in unison and the three dissolved into laughter.

Katie Bell entered the dorm and they all looked at her. "Hi Katie," Willow said cheerfully "how were your holidays? Angelina, Alicia," she asked completely ignoring Willow. "Good" Angelina replied, "Great," Alicia said and looked sympathetically at Willow. Katie and Willow hadn't exactly been the best of friends especially since Willow took her spot on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as chaser halfway through their second year, it was unexpected but Oliver demanded that it was what was best for the team's success. Willow tried to be nice to her and become friends again but Katie refused and continued being rude and ignoring her. "I think I'm going to head to sleep, goodnight," Willow said feeling the tension in the air, Alicia said goodnight to her and left her bed. Willow drew the curtains around her bed and slipped under the covers. "She's trying to be nice to you" Willow heard Angelina whisper to Katie "I don't care" Katie replied, "can't you give her a chance?" Alicia pleaded, "no way that slug took my spot as chaser" Katie said. "That's what this is about? Still!" Angelina said and Willow could hear the disbelief in her voice "Katie, that's ridiculous" Angelina continued, "no it's not" Katie retorted, "goodnight" Alicia said and drew her curtains, "goodnight" Angelina replied and did the same.



I know that Katie Bell is the year below Alicia and Angelina (and the twins) but for this story, she was born a year earlier.


I love Katie, I think that she is such a kind character (although we don't see much of her), but I needed someone to be the 'bitch'... so here we are. Please don't kill me :)

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