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<The Great Hall, Halloween Dinner>

"TROLL!!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS! I thought you outta know" Professor Quirrel yelled before fainting amongst all the students who were now panicking and freaking out. "Silence! Prefects, please take your houses back to the common rooms" Dumbledore called out, taking quick control over the terrified students. Everyone started to make their way out of the hall as their house prefects lead them to their dorms. Willow's mind was racing, she couldn't understand how a troll could get into Hogwarts, Hagrid had told her that it was among some of the safest places in the entire world. "How could a troll get in?" she proceeded to ask Fred who was nearest to her, "good question Willow," he responded, "I have no idea".


"Shhhh it's okay, the troll won't get you" Willow reassured a first-year who was very stirred up, she put her arm around the small girl and lead them along following the rest of the Gryffindors, making small talk with her. "What's your name?" she asked softly, "Lavender" the girl chocked up in between sobs, "don't you worry Lavender, the teachers will keep you safe, and even then, you are surrounded by a lot of older wizards and witches who could keep the troll at bay," Willow said smiling down at Lavender as they arrived at the fat lady. "Thank you" she muttered as Willow took her arm away and she ran up to some of her friends without a second glance. "You handled that well," Fred said putting a hand on Willow's shoulder, "yeah like a pro," George said putting a hand on her other shoulder. "That is why I dislike children" Willow shrugged and glanced back at the two boys who laughed at her response.

The three sat on the couch for ages after everyone else had gone to bed, discussing ways a troll could get in. "Maybe someone left a door open and it just walked in" Fred suggested, "I think someone let it in! I don't know who but I've got a hunch that's what happened" Willow said, "sure" the twins said together as they rolled their eyes at her. "Thanks for the support in my theory guys," she said sarcastically and they laughed at the deadpan face Willow put up.

-Christmas Holidays-

"FRED, GEORGE" Willow cried as the two entered the hall for breakfast on the first day of the Christmas holidays, "I thought you two were going home over Christmas?" she asked, confused, "we were, but mum and dad decided to go and visit Charlie and all his dragons in Romania" George explained, "oh cool,". "Not cool! It means we have to stay here with you all Christmas" Fred wailed and over dramatically flung his head back and threw his arms in the air. Willow scoffed but laughed anyway, taking another bite of her toast, "you two are crazy" she said, "but you love us" they replied together smiling widely.


"Wakey wakey, wake up losers, it's Christmas!" Willow yelled as she jumped on Fred's bed then George's then back to Fred's before jumping onto the floor and shaking them both in turn, "Willow go away" George muttered, Willow faced him and put her hands on her hips "George Weasley, how dare you tell me to go away on Christmas morning!", he rolled over and looked at her, "you're crazy" he said, "thank you..." Willow cut herself off with a squeak as Fred lifted her off the ground from behind, in a kind of hug, then put her back down, resting his head on top of hers. "That worked surprisingly well in shutting you up," he said Willow laughing at the weird vibrations that came from him speaking, "Good morning Freddie," she said and turned to boop his nose before walking to the end of their beds, throwing them each a present, wrapped nicely with a ribbon.

Willow sat down, cross-legged and watched them open their presents. "Oh wow," George remarked as he held up a photo of the three of them laughing and giggling away, then it would swap to them peeking out from behind a pillar and then it would swap again to him standing there proudly. "It's not much, but I couldn't think of what to get you, plus it's homemade so it might glitch here and there" she admitted, "They're awesome," Fred said as he put his one on his bedside table and going to sit next to Willow, "here's yours," George said as he came and sat on her other side.

She unwrapped it slowly and carefully, making sure to not rip the wrapping paper, "no way" Willow turned to face Fred, then George a look of sheer excitement on her face. "We know how much you love muggle music," George said and grinned at her, "and this was in the 'popular now' section so we thought that it must be good" Fred finished off. "I will definitely be putting this in my CD player later on today" Willow replied grinning as she looked down at the CD. The cover displayed a girl holding a gun, she had a smiling flower on her shirt and a green headband, the album, 'Kerplunk', the band, 'Green Day'.

Willow had brought her other presents into their room as well so that they could open the rest of their presents together. She hadn't received many but she didn't mind at all. Remus had sent her a lovely and ornate glass rose which was stunning, Mrs Weasley had sent her a black knitted jumper with a blue W on it and Alicia and Angelina had given her a box of sweets from honey jukes as a combined present.

She slipped on Mrs Weasley's jumper and waited for the boys to finish, making sure that they had also adorned their jumpers. Yawning the three made their way down to breakfast. Willow loading her plate with porridge as soon as they sat down. It was tradition for her to eat porridge on Christmas morning, she did it every year without fail. The twins thought she was mad to keep the tradition going when bacon and eggs were calling her name, but she denied the calling and stuck to her tradition.

"Christmas cracker?" Fred asked Willow, "you're on" she replied. Fred won, much to Willow's dismay but he gave her the hat that was inside. A top hat. "How kind young sir," she said in a posh and proper accent as she adorned the hat, making both George and Fred burst into laughter. "Splendid hat, Miss Black" Dumbledore acknowledged as he walked past to his seat, "thank you" she replied before turning back to Fred who now was wearing a sombrero, the brim almost poking her eye out as turned. "I think this will be a fun Christmas", "agreed".


[✎]Willow Black - Accomplice (Fred Weasley)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora