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<Random Broom Cupboard, Near the End of the School Year>

"Quick in here" Willow whispered as she pulled George and Fred into a nearby broom cupboard, it was small and the three all had to squish together to fit. "Hi" Fred whispered to Willow, their faces millimetres apart, "hi" she whispered back and Fred could faintly make out her smile in the dark cupboard. "Nice quick-thinking Black" George whispered, Fred was back to back with him meaning that he was facing the wall, "having a nice conversation with the wall" Willow whispered back, "oh yes, I found out she loves dust" he whispered to her again, "since when did the wall have gender?" she laughed quietly.

The three all hushed at the sound of Ms Noris and Filch the caretaker walking past, "that was close" Willow said as they exited the dusty broom cupboard ten minutes later when they were sure that he was gone. "To close," Fred replied, "back to the mission," George said and they headed off in the direction of the Slytherin common room yet again.

Half an hour later the trio stepped back to admire their work, whenever someone stepped outside of the Slytherin common room a wailing noise would go off, followed by a bucket of green and silver slime that would dump its contents on the person's, head. Of course, this slime was not easily removed. "One last spell," Willow said and muttered something pointing her wand at the bucket "now the bucket will refill when it empties" she whispered as they started to walk back to Gryffindor Tower. "Brilliant," George said putting an arm around her shoulder, Fred smiled, "extraordinary," he did the same but from the other side, she kept walking in silence, her cheeks slightly red, only noticeable when they passed a sliver of moonlight shining through a window.


"Pearl shhh" Willow whispered to her kitten when they got back to the common room, safe and sound thanks to Messrs. Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs. "I swear that cat hasn't changed since the first year" Fred exclaimed, "I know she's still the same size and even that's abnormally small for a cat," George said, his twin nodding in agreement, "I have a feeling that she was cursed when she was younger, we did get her as a rescue cat," Willow said as she bent down to pick up her cat.

They sat down on the couch in front of the fire Willow clutching Pearl. "Neville?" Willow suddenly exclaimed getting up and hurried over to where Neville Longbottom was laying on the ground, frozen. "Finite Incantanem," Willow said pointing her wand at Neville. "Th . . . thanks" Neville stuttered looking up at her. Carefully, they helped him onto the couch, he was in shock, when he calmed down Fred and George forced him to explain everything, "Dumbledore needs to know" Willow said her eyes widening.

The first rays of sunrise were casting long shadows in the room by now as the four of them all rushed off to the principles office. "Does anyone know the password?" George asked putting his hands in his pockets. "We don't need it," Fred whispered, watching the spiral staircase twirl downwards and Dumbledore stepped out. "Hello" he greeted us, "Neville tried to stop them! But he couldn't and know they're probably hurt or worse dead" Willow blurted out before putting her hand over her mouth and closing her eyes quickly, she had been quite shaken by the whole ordeal, her imagination blowing the whole scenario out of proportion. "Don't worry Miss Black, they are all fine" Dumbledore reassured her as Fred put an arm around her she let out a breath, "really" she looked up at him hopefully, "yes".

Willow leant her body weight on Fred and smiled brightly, relieved "thank you", "but I want to hear more about what Mr Longbottom did," Dumbledore said amused. Neville was positively beaming with pride at what he had tried to do. Fred smiled down at Willow who was still leaning into him.


The next day gossip and rumours were flying around about Hermione, Ron and Harry. However, the best thing by far was when a group of Slytherins walked in stained in green and silver, the slime had slid off so that part of the plan failed but they were stained! Willow was stifling back laughter but and Fred and George let loose, letting their laughs echo around the great hall. "Ingenious" Lee said coming over to sit with the trio, "I can't believe it worked" Willow admitted, "what! Of course, it worked your genius was behind it," Fred said grinning at her, Willow scoffed, "I just did the spells", "yeah but they were bloody brilliant" George said, "they were average" she replied, "your too modest, oh hello Ladies" Lee said getting distracted as Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson sat down next to Willow. "Hey, did you prank the Slytherin's," Angelina asked Willow "It was Fred, George and I," Willow said emphasising the twin's names. "She came up with it though," Fred said grinning, "Shut it," Willow hushed making the zip motion across her lips, "well it was extraordinary!" Alicia said clapping her hands. "I'm friends with these geniuses," Lee said puffing out his chest in a 'proud' manner, Angelina and Alica nodding in agreement before the group broke down into laughter.


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