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<Great Hall, Hogwarts>

Willow scanned the Gryffindor table as she enter the great hall, and a frown adorned her face. She had waited for nearly an hour in the common room, waiting for Fred to come down so they could go to breakfast together like they usually did. When he didn't rock up she assumed that he had already gone without her. But as she approached Angelina, Alicia and Lee she still couldn't see him or his twin. "Good morning Willow", "morning! Do you guys know where Fred and George are?" she sat down next to Angelina who shrugged, "not sure, I haven't seen them this morning", "they weren't there where when I woke up this morning and I don't remember them leaving but to be fair I am a deep sleeper" Lee added. "I'm sure they'll turn up," Alicia said as Hermione came up to Willow.

"Have you seen Harry or Ron?" she asked quietly, Willow shook her head, "no, Fred and George are also missing", Hermione thought for a moment, "now that you mention it, I haven't seen Ginny this morning either". "Something must've happened!" Willow's eyes widened, "I'm sure it's fine, we'll go home for Christmas in a few days, I'm sure we'll find out then", Hermione smiled before leaving the group and going to sit elsewhere.

The routine hooting of the post owls was soon heard and Willow looked up, not expecting to see Astra but checking just in case there was news from Fred. To her luck, there was. She thanked Astra with a piece of bread before quickly unfolding the piece of paper that her owl had dropped in her lap.


Harry had some sort of dream about dad getting hurt and it came true. They got to him just in time so he'll be ok, Dumbledore sent us all home so that's where we've gone. Just thought I should explain. I'll see you back at home soon! (Tell Hermione too)


Fred <3

The message was short and to the point but it did bring Willow a sense of calm, she wouldn't be stressing about what had happened now. Although she was concerned for Arthur. Willow quickly got up and found Hermione again, handing her the message quietly. Hermione read over it quickly before turning and giving Willow a concerned look, "what happened?", Willow shrugged in response, "I guess we'll find out later".


Hermione and Willow stepped off the Hogwarts Express together, looking around for whoever was supposed to meet them. A relieved smile entered Willow's face as she spotted Remus and Tonks lurking towards the back of the crowd of parents and carers. She grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her towards the two figures only letting go when Tonks spotted her and started to approach with open arms. The two girls shared a long embrace, "how are you, I've missed you!", Willow took a deep breath before responding, "I've been better but I'm doing well, yourself? Any news?", Tonks stepped back and gave Willow a cheeky smile, "he finally asked" she whispered.

Willow glanced towards Remus who was standing back, waiting for his turn. She turned back to Tonks and gave her another quick hug, "FINALLY!". Tonks laughed as Willow rushed over to Remus and jumped on him, "look at you, you big dog" he sighed, "good to see you, Willow". "I've missed you Remy and I'm very proud of you for finally asking out Tonks", Willow's tone softened as she clung to Remus. He smiled in response, "I've missed you too and I appreciate your enthusiasm", he then turned to Hermione who was chatting with Tonks, "let's get you two home!".

Willow was the last to enter Grimmauld Place behind the others, she was hanging back, nervous to see her father. She took a deep breath as she entered the kitchen behind Tonks and did a quick scan. She didn't scan for very long as she was soon smothered by a hug from Mrs Weasley. "Willow dear, how are you!", Willow relaxed a little, "fine thank you, yourself? How are you holding up" Molly smiled at the girl, patting her on the shoulder, "I'm well", "and Arthur, how is he?", Molly took a deep breath, "thanks to Harry, he'll be okay", Willow nodded, understanding to not push it further.

"Hello Love", Willow spun around so quickly she nearly lost balance, "Fred!", he opened his arms towards her and she enveloped herself in them, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed me". Willow scoffed, "don't consider yourself lucky Weasley", she grinned before turning and greeting the other people in the room before returning to Fred's side, George not far away. There was no sign of her father so far.

"You kids go upstairs and get comfortable, dinners not for a few more hours" Mrs Weasley, shooed the children out of the room. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny rushed out of the room, Hermione demanding some answers from Harry who seemed a bit out of it. Whilst Fred, George and Willow wandered slowly behind, taking their time and catching up with each other, which mainly entailed George asking about Angelina.

"Willow" Fred and George shared a look before excusing themselves and continuing up the stairs squeezing past Sirius who had met them on the staircase. "Hi" Willow didn't know how to react, he hadn't done anything wrong and she had no reason to be mad at him. Sirius slowly approached Willow and embraced her quickly, "how have you been?", Willow mustered a smile, "well, school is going ok, how are you?". Her father smiled "good, a bit bored cooped up here but what can you do when you're a wanted man", Willow let out an awkward chuckle.

"What's up?", Willow considered lying, "it's nothing really, I think I'm just starting to wrap my head around how important Harry is", Sirius looked confused for a moment and then a look of guilt spread across his face. "Willow darling, I'm sorry-", Willow held up a hand, "dad, it's ok. I understand that Harry is essential if we want to win whatever this is, and we're kind of the only 'family' he has". Sirius was quiet for a moment, "but you're my daughter", Willow smiled, "dad it's ok". "You know, after all this, we can be a proper family", "I look forward to it old man", Willow grinned and punched her dad in the shoulder playfully as she passed him and continued upstairs letting a quiet sigh escape her lips.


How do we feel about the situation?

Have a good day lovelies <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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