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(The setting of the story is set in Korea so Korean is the language they are speaking. Y/n is fluent in English, Korean, and Spanish. Above are the indicators of when she "speaks English or Spanish".)

Y/n's pov

I sat in my dull one bedroom apartment with my mother and father in the living room dreadfully listening to their complaints.

"Mija your father and I just want you to come back to the manor. It's not right for a girl like you to live in a small box like this and I will not allow it!" My mother bitterly spewed in my cramped living room.

"Honey, all your mother wants is for you to live safely and comfortably. That's not a bad thing." Your father added lightly attempting to calm the conversation.

"Mama. Papa. I am 22 years old and I am perfectly fine where I am. I am well managed and I even have more than enough money to spend." I confidently stood my ground. However it wasn't 'perfectly fine' and I hardly had enough money to survive but I would never admit that to my Hispanic parents. I was never in school, never went to public parks, I never even had friends over because I never had friends to invite. My mom was always barking orders at me. "Y/n get ready for your private teacher!" or "Stop running around outside and talking to the neighbors kids!" 

"Also I have to go out in a few. I will call you when I'm able to." I gave them both a hug and a kiss on their cheeks and led them out of my apartment. I sighed knowing that I would have to hail a cab since I was already running late.

"Where to?" The driver, a woman with a chic black pixie cut, asked.

"Minjee's Garden Cafe" I said buckling my belt.

Y/n's mother's pov
'She can't keep living there. Someone will find her and take advantage. They'll take everything we've got! Maybe if we marry her off. But to who? What about that one bo- no he's not good enough for Y/n. Wait! Y/n doesn't know how money hungry people can be, especially men.'

"Amor what are you thinking about?" My husband asked pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I was just thinking about Y/n and how we never thought of teaching her the 'in's and out's of love'. What if she gets in to the wrong kind of relationship, or if she marries the wrong person that is only interested in other things!" I rambled while my husband drove back to the manor.

"Well I'm not going to lie but I told you we should have talked to her about stuff like that when Y/n was a teenager. Now if we try to give her lessons on things she thinks we are attempting to manipulate her. We should have let her be in public schools or at least in a private one. We should've let her be out there when she was younger so she could have used up all her adventurousness but now that she is older it's all just curiosity and pure mindedness.." He sighed heavily.

"It isn't exactly my fault. The only reason I had to keep her away from everything is because of your profession. If you could have ensured me that she would've been safe I would have allowed her to go out more. But my daughter will not be the target of your enemies. We should have moved to our parents countries instead of Korea where your acquaintances are. My daughter is too innocent for this world and I can't let her get caught up in bad things or people." I spat at him.

"Don't forget you were the one who wanted to live this lavish life. You didn't want to be like the common folk. So make sure you share the blame here. Y/n is a responsible young woman. She knows how to take care of her self!" My husband parked the car with a harsh jolt of the brakes.

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