Finally home

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I'm lying on the bed when Evelyn comes over. 

"Happy new year, baby." She whispers into my ear as she kisses me. Her hands make their way down my back and onto my bum. She kisses me from my lips to my chest and then she goes stiff.

 "Eves, Evie?" I say. She's fallen asleep. She was pretty drunk so I don't blame her. I change our positions on my bed and then I go to sleep too.

There's only a few days left before school starts so we decide to go home tonight. We pack our bags in the morning and my mother and father prepare us some lunch. In the kitchen we fill them in about the Abbey and Emma situation. 

"Emma must be jealous, maybe she's secretly gay too." Jason says. I can't tell if he's joking or not. 

"I highly doubt it, dad." I say.

"I'm glad it was sorted out, Your mother done a good job, Evelyn." Angela says to Evie. 

"I'll be sure to tell her you're delighted with her work."Eves jokes. 

By the evening we're saying our goodbyes.

"Thank you very much for having me, I've loved every minute of it" Evelyn says to my parents. 

"It's been a pleasure, you're always welcome to come and see us" Jason says while giving Eves a hug. My mum waves at her. Sophia walks us to the car. 

"I'll miss you." she says. 

"I'll miss you too. Please don't screw around with anyone, especially not Cyrus and just study please." I tell her. She starts to cry. 

"Okay sis, we better get going." I say, Evie and I hug her and get into the car. The family stands by the door and wave as we drive off.

"Your family is lovely and welcoming. Your sister is hilarious too." Evelyn says to me. 

"Yeah they are, they're a bit of a handful too." I say with a grin. Evelyn lays her head against the car window, soon she's asleep. I drive for the few hours Evelyn is asleep until she wakes up, declaring that she needs the toilet. Unfortunately we're about half an hour from the next service station to I tell her to go back to sleep. She stares blankly at me. When were finally able to stop Evie runs off while I fill up the car with petrol. I wait for her in the car, she comes back with food. We get back on the road and soon we're home.

I dump my bags on the floor and kick off my shoes. Evelyn does the same. She walks slowly towards the bedroom but I intercept and pin her to the wall. I kiss her passionately and she kisses back. I lift her shirt over her head and kiss all the way down her chest and torso. We slowly make our way to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothes behind us. Evie jumps onto the bed and I straddle her. I kiss her neck and her collarbone leaving marks on her as she lays there. I move down and please her. Evie's back curves up off of the bed as she strives for air. She lets out a soft moan that makes me giggle. I'll never get used to the sweet sounds she makes. Once we catch our breath she flips me so that I'm pinned down to the bed. She kisses me from my lips all the way down to my pelvis. I shiver as she gets me closer. I moan louder the closer I get. She leaves me breathless as I orgasm. Once she's done she gets up and smirks. She walks over to the bathroom leaving me to recover.

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