Quarrel and Contempt

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We wake up to Liam shouting. 

"Evie, Evie. It's Christmas eve!" he exclaims. I open my eyes and see him in his pyjamas, the excited smile across his face warms my heart. Evelyn gets up and lifts him onto the bed where he jumps around Katie comes to join us too. I walk to the bathroom to put today's clothes on. Once we're all ready we go downstairs. I'm holding Katie's hand as we walk down to the kitchen to get breakfast. It's potato scone rolls for breakfast which I'm more than happy about. 

"These are delicious, thank you very much" I say to Joanna and Phillip. 

"Well thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Phillip says. Abbey and Emma arrive downstairs so Evie and I went upstairs again. Soon enough we're called back downstairs to help prepare everything. 

"Excuse me Abbey can I get into the drawer please?" Evelyn asks politely. Abbey grunts and stomps angrily.

 "There's no need to act this way Abbey." Evie says. 

"Yes there is a reason actually. She's here and I don't want her to be." Abbey points at me and says. 

"That's quite enough of your arguing girls. All four of you come and sit at the table so I can help fix this." Joanna says while looking at Phillip. 

"Why don't you want Alice here, Abbey?" Joanna asks. 

"She was mean to Emma." Abbey replies. I look at Evelyn and wince, she squeezes my hand underneath the table for reassurance. 

"Is this true, Alice?" Phillip asks me. 

"Do you want to hear the whole story?" I reply back. Evie's parents nod. 

"Emma and I were once roommates but I switched with Abbey after I came out. Emma didn't want to share a room with a lesbian. Evie and I are now roommates. Abbey and Emma were talking and made up lies about me and made homophobic comments towards me. We were at our friends house for dinner when Abbey confronted me. Evie then asked Abbey to stop but I left and went to my car instead. I hadn't spoke to either of them since." I explain. Joanna and Phillip apologize for Abbeys actions and allow us to leave the table. 

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