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We arrive at my parents late at night so we say hello to my mother Angela and father Jason and then go to bed. We wake up early when my sister Sophia bursts in.

"Alice! When did you get home? Also who is this in your bed?"She says. 

"Sophia! It's half seven in the morning. We got home so late last night. Leave us to sleep." I moan. 

"You didn't answer my questions yet." She says persistently. 

"This is Evelyn, my girlfriend. I thought mum told you. We got home while you were asleep." I tell her with a frustrated tone. Just as I say that Evelyn wakes up, she opens her eyes and jumps. 

"What the fuck! Who is standing at the foot of your bed, Alice?" she says. 

"Hi, I'm Sophia. Alice's sister. It's nice to meet you." Sophia says confidently. 

"Um Hi, I'm Evelyn. Nice to meet you too." Evie says while shuffling the covers to hide herself a little. 

"Mums making breakfast. You don't have any food allergies do you, Evelyn?" asks Sophia. Evie shakes her head. 

 "Okay, she expects you both down in ten minutes. I'll see you down there." Sophie says then she exits the room. 

 "Well there goes our sex." I tease. 

"You sure?" Evelyn challenges as she rolls on top of me and takes my shirt off and kisses me. I get tense immediately. She kisses me from my lips and slowly makes her way down my neck, chest and torso. She gets to my pelvis when I hear footsteps on the stairs. I push her off and run to the bathroom. Just then my mother burst in. 

"Hey girls, oh where's Alice?" I hear Angela asks Evie. 

"She's in the bathroom. I was just about to hand her in some clothes, she got up and forgot to take them in with her." Evelyn says covering for me. 

"Okay, I only came to say that breakfast is ready and you two should come down and sit with us." Angela says. 

"We'll be down in five minutes. I'll get changed." Evelyn tells my mum. I hear my mum leave my room so I came out of the bathroom. We get changed and head down for breakfast.

"Nice of you to join us" Jason says sarcastically. 

"Very funny dad." I say as I roll my eyes. Evie giggles. We eat our food over small talk. Sophia wants to know all of the details of my relationship with Evelyn. 

" So I want to know all of the juicy gossip and details about you two." Evelyn says. 

"Soph, I'm not talking about this right now especially not here." I say while looking at everyone.

 "Tell me later then." she says. I roll my eyes and look at Evelyn. Angela informs us of the New Year's Party they are hosting. 

"I can't wait for you to meet my new lesbian friends, they just moved in down the road, I thought I'd invite them to make them feel welcome. They have 3 cats." she says. 

"Mum, you can't call them your lesbian friends. They are just friends that are lesbians."I tell her. 

"Sorry I forgot, was it rude?" She asks. 

"Yes a little but I know this is still new to you." I say feeling sorry for confronting her.

"Can I invite some of my friends who are home for the holidays?" I ask. 

"Sure, you can all have a mini party of your own in your room." Jason replies. 

"Thanks dad." I say while leaving the table and taking Evie with me.

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