Are we more than shower sex?

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"I'm going for a shower." I announce.

"Can I join you?" Evelyn asks.

"You just want to see me naked, don't you eves?" I tease while walking to the cupboard to grab a towel.

"You caught on to my plan then."she teases back. I stop to sit on my bed, she joins me. She kisses me with passion. She reaches her hands up my back, unhooks my bra and flings it on the floor. I kiss her for a moment until she stops.

"So can I join you or not?" She asks. I hesitate.

"I don't know about you but I kissed you for a reason" she says without looking at me.

"I know, I mean it too but don't you think it's a little fast? We kissed an hour ago and I'm happy to do that again but I'm not sure if I'm ready for more yet." I explain.

"I understand, I'm sorry." She says disappointingly. I put my hand in the back of her head and gently pull her closer.

"Maybe this will make you feel better" I whisper into her ear. I kiss her with everything I have in me. I push her down onto the bed and kiss her while sliding my hands up underneath her shirt, I stop to look at her. Her warm smile send shivers across my whole body.

"Perfect, I do feel better now." She jokes.

"Fine you can join me, come on" I say giving up. She's just too cute for me to say no to. I hear her say "yes" to herself which makes me giggle, I don't know if I was supposed to hear it. My shower took way longer than I was intending but it was worth it.

I'm drifting off to sleep when I hear a confused, quiet voice "what is this?". I turn around and open my eyes. "I mean what are we? Are we just people who kiss randomly and have sex in the shower or are we actually something worth my time?" Evelyn says sounding upset.

"Hey, we can be whatever you like. I'm ready to be something more than shower sex if that's what you want." I reassure her.

"I want a girlfriend but I don't know if you'd be ready. You're a baby gay and I don't want to make you do anything that you aren't ready for." She explains.

"I'm ready and I want you. Will you be my girlfriend eves?" I say.

"Yes I will be Allie" she replies and then we cuddle up and go to sleep.

Sweethearts Without Shameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें