After all these years of dreaming to be the guy to put the wedding ring on her finger, Jungkook couldn't bring himself to imagine his future in her absence. Even the thought of it was dreading for him. Nothing but darkness and pain would be left in his life if he would ever lose her.

Retracting her figure, Rin stood up with eyes brimming with unshed tears. She took a deep breath in, a heavy lump forming in her throat due to anxiousness having to put her thoughts into words.

"I'm leaving Jeon's mansion Jungkook. I got a paid internship and I will be sharing the apartment with Jimin" She revealed.

Although at first, she was quite hesitant to accept his request to move in with him, witnessing Jungkook's condition she had come to the conclusion that her presence in Jeon mansion would only prevent him from moving on from his past.

Jungkook got entirely stunned by her words and remained in his place staring at her without blinking his eyes.

"Forget us, Jungkook, in fact, there was never us." she urged clasping both hands together.

It was so easy for her to declare that everything they had for all those years was non-existence. The bond they had shared, the times they had spent had ceased to be nothing but dust and now there was never 'them' neither in past nor in the future.

"The sooner you will accept it the better it is for all of us" he shuddered at her words, continuing to gape at her numbly.

"Then why did you make those promises? Why did you give me hope for the future? If you didn't love me why did you let me touch you every single night?" he wanted to scream but his throat was clogged by the overwhelming agony consuming him gradually.

"I'm sorry but I won't be able to keep my promises, Guk. I promise I tried but being with you was too tormenting for me" She confessed holding back the strong urge to spill the tears blurring her vision.

"What about me? what about my pain? what about the hole in my heart?" hot salty beads of liquid dropped one by one however he was still unable to utter any syllable.

"Take care of your health," She softly fumbled his hair with affection then sprinted out of the room not wanting to drown herself in the guilt that she was not supposed to feel in the first place.

Feeling utterly depressed, Rin strode back to her room. She sent a text to Jimin about her decision to move in with him and began to pack her things. Now that Jennie hated her existence as well she saw no point in sharing the same space with them swallowing her pride.

After packing all the necessary stuff, she wrote a letter to Jungkook's mother apologizing and bidding her goodbye and left it on the dressing table of her room.

She knew she was being too selfish and inconsiderate for leaving without an explanation but she was fed up with their hostility. Jungkook was equally culpable for getting involved with her but only she was subjected to criticism making her feel unfair. Trying to reason with them would only lead them to shun her again and a heavy heart was the last thing she wanted to have before starting her new life with Jimin

 She called the cab and carried her luggage on her own, mentally noting to visit them after Jungkook's father would return back from overseas and thank him for his kindness.

After reaching Jimin's apartment, she dragged her luggage and entered using the spare key. Jimin had texted her saying he would arrive later so, for now, she had the entire place to herself.

Her mind obliterated the bitter feeling bubbling into her stomach caused by her interaction with Jungkook and began to focus on the future she would have with the love of her life. Her heart was jumping in excitement, looking forward to the days to come.

Placing the luggage at the corner of the room, she strolled her way before the table stationed beside the bed, where the picture of them kissing was proudly displayed on the frame.

Taking the frame with the picture, she traced her finger at Jimin's photo. 

They looked so happy, so much in love as though no power in the world could ever separate them. It was true, she would never let anyone or anything come in between them. The bond she had with Jimin was something she had longed for her entire life and now she couldn't bear to lose it no matter what.

Out of nowhere, she was hauled back harshly and a hand wrapped her throat making her drop the frame, shattering it into millions of pieces at once. In shock, her brain didn't even process to recognize the man but before his grasp would even hurt her in the slightest it yanked off itself as she collapsed on the floor since her knees gave up.

"AHHHHHHHH" the thundering voice echoed the entire room, scaring the shit out of her.

When her blurry mind cleared out, she found Jimin glaring at her with bloodshot eyes sending chills to ran throughout her spins

"Jimin" the burning pain in her heart made it impossible for her to voice out her words no matter how hard she tried to do so.

"Don't you dare take my name with that filthy mouth!" he threatened pointing his finger at her.

Rin jolted back in shock, her body shaking in dread. Jimin was engulfed in crushing fury. He looked like he could kill a person with his bare hands.

"I trusted you" he shouted letting out a strangled cry.

"I fucking loved you" He kicked the already shattered frame away then pulled his hair falling in his knee.

Rin was completely shaken by his outburst. Her brain desperately scrambled to make sense of his action but she couldn't comprehend the situation even for a bit.

"Jimin" She forced his name out and slowly forced herself to stand on her feet, she attempted to touch him but he screamed making her pull back her hand immediately. 

"Take your filthy hands away from me" he yelled glowering her with disgust.

"Jimin" Now the beads of tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably. She opened her mouth to speak struggling to get the words out under a menacing gaze but Jimin was quick to cut her off.

"You" Jimin roared out, jerking his body up from the ground, he pushed her making her slam against the wall. A flare of pain burned her back as she winced in pain but it was nothing in comparison to the angst clawing her delicate heart. Pressing their bodies together Jimin grasped her throat once again.

"Was I really just a rebound? Was all the moments we spend, all the memories we created just a way for you to forget him?" He inquired showing her the most painful expression she had ever witnessed. He looked completely devastated however, Rin could not put the pieces together to grasp the situation.

"What are you talking about, Jimin?" She again raised her hand to touch him but he harshly slapped them away.

"Shut up, I should have understood the moment I saw you with him, the moment you ran to him instead of me." He flung his fist on the wall as he shouted.

"You played me like a fool. A fool!" he gave out a bitter laugh stepping backward.

Rin crouched down to the floor unable to stand on her wobbling leg. She didn't know where all of this was coming from but seeing Jimin look at her with so much hatred had completely broken her apart.

"I don't know what are you talking about Jimin?" she begged him folding both of her hands together.

"Ha!" Jimin scoffed fresh tears still falling nonstop then looked away.

"Maybe you should ask the guy who you were fucking behind my back?"


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