Happy Birthday To Me

Start from the beginning

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I mumbled as a small flutter floated around my stomach. I could feel heat surging forward to my cheeks under the laser stare he had on me. I hated that he had the power to give me such a strong reaction. Especially when I knew he shouldn't. You aren't supposed to have the urge to pull your friends in for a passionate kiss every time they looked at you a little too long. I started to dart my eyes around the room to find an escape plan for a situation that was slipping into sticky territory.

"Since when was honesty considered insincere?" He said lifting his eyes back to lock with mine. They were a dark tawny mixed with auburn and had the power to pull you in unforgivingly. They wrapped around me, held me and I knew I was gone for. There was no way I could break free from a grip that strong. I took a deep breath and covered my nerves with a deep chuckle.

"Oh whatever," I scoffed and nervously pulled one of my wild, red waves from my face, tucking it behind my ear quickly. Stephan released me from his stare by scooting forward to the foot of the bed. His golden tan skin glistening under the twinkle of the lights. He gave me a toothy smile and placed his hands on his knees.

"No really, Frey. You know that I think you absolutely beautiful. That costume is just going to magnify the existing perfection that you already have," I felt my stomach do a somersault at his words. How did we get here? We were arguing about a costume and now he's making my cheeks feel as though I just excited a sauna, flushed and warm.

"More like magnify the size of my chest," I gave a quiet giggle trying to cut some of the growing tension. "Something tells me you put a lot of thought in such a questionable costume selection," I softly spoke. I trailed my finger on the dresser beside me as I looked away, trying to escape his intense stare.

"Maybe," His eyes now fell onto my body once again. They floated down the curve of my hips and rested on every bit of exposed skin. From the mid-drift caused from my tank top to the length of my tanned legs.

"Hello, my eyes are up here," I finally said snapping at his face to capture his attention.

"I know," He murmured and reached out, grabbing my arm to pull me over to him. Once at a closer distance, he moved up and wrapped an arm around my waist. I felt a chill ease through my skin as he pulled me into him. My breath catching in my lungs as I looked down at him. Times like this I let myself pretend that the relationship I had with him could develop into more. That I allowed him to reach into my heart in a completely different way. He's always wanted that. He tries to pretend I don't know and I never have the courage to break the assumption into pieces, but we both know that our feelings are more than platonic.

So when he forgets to stay friendly and gets lost in his attraction, I let him. It may be leading him on or cruel, but how can I not? I'm too afraid to lose this and even more afraid to make us more. If I was ever honest with myself, I'd let myself get lost in the joy I got when he touched me. But I wasn't, so when he squeezes at my hips and looks up at me I only reply with, "You're getting a little friendly there, aren't you?" I asked softly looking down at his hooded eyes.

That seemed to break him from his trance and allowed him to jump back into annoying best friend territory. He shakes his head slightly and says, "Can you blame me? Look at that ass," He put on a valley girl accent and moves to slap my bottom. I give a shriek and jump away.

"Are you crazy? Or are you just wishing for death," I reported with my arms folded moving safety across the room. There, much better. I can actually breathe again and he was at a safe distance.

"Maybe a little bit of both?" He lifted the dress once again and gave me a frown. "Are you really going to deny me the pleasure of seeing you in this costume?"

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