Scene 14 - Kamski's place

Start from the beginning

Hank nodded. "We've got someone out of town who we think knows what's happening to androids. We find him, and get some answers". 

"Do I have to stay at the motel-" "Not a chance, pipsqueak. You're coming along on this one". Hank interrupted. I smiled happily. 

I then felt around my head and my eyes widened. "I left my detective hat back at the station!". Hank looked around somewhere in his car and pulled out the hat from his glovebox and held it out the window for me. I smiled and rushed over to get it. "Thank you".

"So, we goin' or what?"

Connor and I nodded and we both got in the car. He seemed better than before, so that was good. I just hope that he'll change his mind about the investigation. About deviants.


We arrived at a large but bland penthouse on the outskirts of Detroit. The snow had started to pick up since we left, and this landscape was no different. White everywhere we looked, with a small blizzard starting to form around the car. This person must be very wealthy if they live in a house like this, away from all the problems that have been happening in the city. Who is this guy anyway?

We got out and I hugged my sides as the wind picked up. The path had metal hand rails on either side of it, leading to the huge doors that blended in with the rest of the house. Hank pressed the doorbell and waited for an answer. 


They both looked around the door and at their feet awkwardly for an answer and I had to keep myself from laughing at the silence. Hank impatiently urged to ring again until a woman android opened the door. She was wearing a blue dress and had blonde hair in a ponytail. She looked very pretty. But she wasn't wearing shoes, oddly enough. Just barefooted.

She looked at us, mainly Hank since he was standing in front, with an emotionless expression. He spoke in a monotone voice. "Hi... Uh... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski".

She smiled brightly and stepped aside, gesturing her arm inside. "Please, come in".

Hank sort of turned to Connor and I and gave a strange look, like he was wondering how it was this easy to just walk up to the door and go inside this millionaire's house, but he didn't question it. "Okay".

Inside, the walls were grey with some decoration of black. Dark red crimson chairs lined them and stood next to large potted plants that were about twice the size of me. I noticed that Connor seemed slightly uneasy, but nowhere near as scared as he was a few hours ago. Now, he was cautious.

"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable". With that, she left the room and closed the door behind her. Hank just shrugged and sat down in one of the chairs, but Connor was interested by something on the other side of the room. He walked over to what looked like a picture and his LED flashed yellow, then back to blue. I looked over at the photo as well to see what he found. It was a picture of a woman standing next to a man. The man must be Elijah, but I don't know who the woman is.

"You can scan people in pictures?"

"Yes. I can analyse them and find out information about them". He replied unconsciously. He wasn't focused on the question. He looked confused. 

I glanced at the image again and asked. "Who's the lady in the photo?"

He took a few seconds to answer but finally said. "That's... Amanda. I report my findings to her at Cyberlife".

"Oh... So... why do you look surprised? "

He looked down at me. "No reason... I... just didn't know they knew each other..."

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