Thirty: Daddy Issues

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A little bit after Sean turned eighteen, he moved into a small home with Kyler that's in the vicinity of their respective parents' homes. They decided on doing so because of their need for independence and wanting alone time here and there. A strong relationship blossomed between the two since the beginning of their friendship, but it developed into a serious infatuation with each other that resulted in the best way possible.

Niall and Liam visited them a few weeks after they got settled and a smile formed on his face when seeing how it looked right before his very eyes. Sean decorated just like him, and it brought a few tears to his eyes.

When their son turned the corner, a smile stretched across his face until he brought them into a hug. This lasted a few minutes and, it all felt whole and complete in an exceedingly exciting way.

Sean got the home that he wanted years ago, with the best set of parents, and an amazing boyfriend who cares for him deeply. He didn't believe it all at first.

“I'm glad you guys could come around.” The smile from before sticks onto his face. “Kyler is currently trying to install an air conditioner in our room since it's getting really warm here.” He let out a happy sigh. “I love him.”

Niall and Liam coo at the young man. “Reminds me of when Liam was trying to do the work all by himself when I was younger, and he called for me not even ten minutes later to give him a hand.” Niall rolls his eyes and laughs softly. “Men, right?”

Liam glares at Niall playfully and playfully shoves him with what energy he had at his disposal. “I think we're all like that when it comes to trying to prove ourselves in any form.” He looks over at Sean. “Remember to always help Kyler when the timing's right. He will need it more than he thinks, trust me.”

Sean sends him a short nod and hears Kyler walk up from behind. He turns and gives him a quick peck to the lips, never getting rid of his smile in the process. Kyler turns to face Liam and Niall who greet him with a quick hug.

“I finally got the AC working. It took a bit longer than I anticipated but oh well.” He shrugs. “Harry, I call him papa, taught me a lot about engineering and hooking up certain households necessities as I grew up. He's a great father just like Louis, but soon enough, I want you two to be my father figures as well because you've given me so much along with my own fathers.”

Niall and Liam nod and smile brightly at him. “When that day comes, you will have our full support and acceptance, Kyler.” The sweaty male grins. “Until then, we want you two to stay happy and come to us if anything ever goes wrong, okay? We live nearby, after all, and I don't mind coming over to check up on you.”

“If we ever need that sort of assistance, we will come to you first,” Kyler assured him. “My papa may be good with engineering skills, but he isn't the best in an argument. However, my dad can win any sort of argument in an instant. No question.”

They all laugh together and reminisce about all the times Harry has sighed in defeat after arguing with Louis about something major or even minor. The six of them facing the whole world together, against a whole society, was a crazy thought.

After their little engagement, the six men walked into the living room and put a film on in the background. This would give the silence an escape and allow them to feel comfortable discussing a few different topics.

“I think we--” Niall turns to glance at Liam then back towards the younger men, “want you to make sure that everything is stable and cohesive, alright?” He earns subtle maneuvers that echo a short 'yes.' “Other than that, you make your own decisions when it comes to personal preferences and desires-- God, I sound like my dad.” Niall sighs and listens to a few short laughs.

“It's okay,” Sean reassures his father. “We know what we're doing, even though the two of us are so young. We are going to college and already have jobs to keep us on our feet. There is nothing else to worry about other than your own sanity.” He couldn't help but add the last bit in and give his dad a short pat on the back.

Niall understands him well enough to lean against Liam and let out a long, sad sigh. “I just don't want the two of us to separate.”  He bites his inner cheek to subside a few tears that would scream anxiety. “You are my baby boy still and I wouldn't have wished for a better son who needed a home as you did. We were lucky.”

Liam rubs his side and helps calm him down with a few kisses to the right side of his head. He has the same feelings residing deep inside but kept them hidden.

Sean bites his lower lip and pats Niall's exposed knee. “I promise to always be there for you when possible, okay?” He smiles big. “This is a new chapter for both of us, and now you and Dad can do things on your own with no rules or boundaries. It's all for you.”

Niall looks up at Liam again and finally feels at ease when letting those words sink in. “Thank you, Sean.”

After their last few minutes together, Liam drove him and Niall back home nearby and settled under the sheets while the moon's ray dipped into their room.

“I can't believe we're actually alone in this house... It's been eighteen years, and I don't remember what the feeling is like to be alone with the man I love most.” Niall got a little emotional during the car ride back, and this developed a lot while time passed quickly.

Liam chuckles and kisses the side of his head a few times before pulling him impossibly closer. “We get to do whatever we want now, and you know exactly what that means.” He presses a few kisses to Niall's neck and rubs his hand all along the exposed, paler body.

Niall hums and lets a smirk fall on his face when exposing his neck more for Liam who went at it without hesitation. He missed these moments, but they were getting older, so it became harder to maneuver like they did years ago. They'd try their best, though.

They ended up in the shower, Liam cleaning both of their bodies after an amazing time in bed. It felt better than all of the other recent attempts, so they were more than pleased to keep giving each other small touches.

“I can't believe that you still accepted my love for you  back then.” Niall rested his back against Liam's front. He reminisced a lot since meeting with Sean and Kyler. “I thought you'd never accept my feelings for you but when it worked out for me, I knew anything was possible.” He smiles to himself and feels Liam's arms wrap around him carefully.

“It never came across my mind that my son's best friend could have feelings for me but it felt nice to have you around when I needed advice and assistance.” He presses a couple of kisses to the top of Niall's head. “After all that, and when you told me about your feelings, it made sense. My feelings for you made sense, but I never realized it until that specific moment. I love you with all of my heart, Niall Payne.”

The Irishman grins and turns around to kiss him passionately, hands planted on Liam's wet, hairy chest.

It lasts a few minutes before Liam turns off the water and steps out first to hand Niall a towel right before grabbing one for himself to dry off.

Once they finished, Liam pulled Niall close into his side and felt exhaustion pool all throughout his own body.

“Sleep well, my love. We should go out on a date tomorrow... at the café?” Liam wanted to go there again and experience a society that changed every day with the one man he trusted most.

Niall hums and lets his eyes fall to rest, carefully slinging an arm over Liam's abdomen. He feels one last kiss reach his before agreeing to the date idea.

“I wouldn't want to go anywhere else with you.”


Author's Note: Another story completed! Go and check out ‘Inefficient’ if you haven't yet! It's about werewolves and obvi Niam :) I hope you enjoyed this story though, thank you for reading, and I love you all x

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