Seven: Memories

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Niall always looked back on the past with a smile, even if a few, difficult times occurred within the middle of his teenage years. Liam and Louis made everything better when his parents were gone though, substituting them for the summer time.

He remembered the road trip that Liam took him and Louis on during the break before their final year of school. The small fights, arguments, agreements, and memories affected the trip entirely.

Niall enjoyed every bit of it, even if Liam got sidetracked with texting Cheryl or when Louis focused more on his phone rather than the actual trip.

The Irish boy wanted to take everything in that he could see and savor the moment with a few pictures here and there. Being on his phone seemed ignorant like he didn't want to be in the unique parts of the country, rather on his phone, instead.

Louis and Liam eventually got the idea and focused more on their surroundings when walking around with Niall, taking more photos here and there for memory sake as they ignored their messages. It made the trip better in many ways, and Niall couldn't thank the man enough for doing all of it.

Liam and Niall eventually had their talk during a stormy night in Australia, Louis fast asleep in the other bed as Niall insisted on sleeping with the man instead.

They talked about their true feelings at the time, Niall not wanting to slip up and accidentally spill his love for Liam, and he didn't. He spoke about Cheryl without trying to cringe and told Liam what he should do to try and fix things.

Liam listened with every ounce of care, focusing only on Niall and not the fact that Cheryl had been texting him constantly throughout the long and warm day.

He didn't want to be rude and not listen to the boy's passionate statements, knowing that what Niall said could possibly help him calm down and realize a few things. And it did help him, trusting the boy fully after the conversation they had at the beginning of break. He couldn't stay mad, though.

Niall meant a lot to him, so much that he couldn't stop thinking about their status during that one night of yelling and heartache. He didn't know how to piece the situation together though, but he knew that the Irish boy had a place in his heart.

The Irishman found himself in front of a small bowl of cereal after his thoughts had overflowed. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep until waking up from a nightmare, heart racing as he frowned when seeing the bowl of oats in front of him.

Louis typed frantically to his right as the sun shined into their dorm room and he groaned while rubbing his eyes. The frailer male looked back to see his friend finally awake, chuckling as Niall yawned.

"Get enough sleep, Nialler? You looked peaceful so I didn't want to wake you, but I hope that the thirteen hours helped." Hearing that made Niall groan more, shaking his head at the thoughts that decided to make him sleep for too long.

He ate the bowl of cereal in front of him after sitting there for a few moments though, slowly beginning to realize that Liam would be there soon and that he needed to look decent for the man.

Once he finished eating, he quickly gathered some clothes and went to the bathroom near the room. He brushed his teeth then took a quick shower, hearing the banter of many frat boys as he cleaned every inch of himself. It was a little odd.

Afterward, he dried himself off, put on some joggers, a cute tee and rainbow socks then fixed his hair in the large mirror. A few of the frat guys in the room eyed Niall up, not in a bad way for once, and came up to him as he got ready.

The Irish boy mentally rolled his eyes as they came to his side, still fixing his hair as he paid full attention to himself, even if some of the guys were a bit attractive.

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