THREE | Busy, busy, busy

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- Sumaiya's PoV

I've always loved coffee, the smell, the taste, I savour it. Especially on days like this. I was sat on a swivel chair in the office, a tiny baby swaddled in one arm, an extra large coffee in the other. The baby was barely hours old. She'd been born 3 weeks prematurely via an emergency caesarean section. Her mother was being seen to by the doctor, her father was rushing back from a meeting he'd been at in Brighton, and any other family didn't live close enough to come.

I pressed my phone, saw the time was almost midnight, along with a long list of notifications from my family. I grinned when I read through the first few, then turned it off and tucked it back into my bag before gulping down the last few sips of coffee and getting up to return the gorgeous bundle of joy in my arms to her mother.

As a midwife, you get to follow women through their entire pregnancies, it's your job to gain their trust and make them feel as comfortable as possible even in their most vulnerable states.

About two hours later, I'd helped two women give birth, prepped another birthing pool, sterilised some equipment, made beds and was finally ready to call it a day and head home.

By the time I arrived home it was past 3 a.m., but the rush of the evening was still keeping me awake. I didn't feel tired at all, but everyone else was asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake them up, so I went for a shower and changed into some pyjamas before heading to bed. After half an hour of tossing and turning, I decided to check my emails. As I scrolled through the countless requests for wedding cakes, flower walls, collaborations and partnerships, one message in particular caught my eye:


Dear Sumaiya,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our annual awards ceremony celebrating the efforts and achievements of entrepreneurs and businessmen and women who have risen to success in their fields through pure determination, commitment and dedication.

Your talent has been recognised by our board and we are delighted to request you to bake a show-stopping cake that will be displayed centre stage at our event. If you are interested in this offer, please contact us as soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any further enquiries.

With very best wishes.


Woah. This was big information to take in at 4 a.m., so before making any rash decisions I put away my phone, thanked Allah for all I had to be grateful for, and turned to my right side before falling asleep.

Hey lovelies! This was a slightly different chapter, focusing more on Sumaiya than on the couple as a pair. What did you think? Enjoy these quiet chapters while you can, there's a lot of celebrations coming up!!

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