Chapter 10: New Addition

Start from the beginning

Miko looked surprised but smirked and nodded understandingly, 'Just like her brother, just can't refuse a cry for help.' She hugged me and I transformed back into CJ and teleported back out to the boys, ignoring their 'where did you go's. Miko came back too and we (well at least the boys) were back at square one.

I surprisingly broke the silence first. Since Miko had been taking the lead and I had taken her motive, we were all just awkwardly staring at each other, "Why did you bring Toritsuka?" I asked.

Miko scoffed, "Like I'd actually want to bring him. Nah, he followed me since Saiki isn't around anymore."

I MM'd her (mind messaged)
Should we tell Kaidou about your powers?

Mikoto nodded so I took the lead once more, "Miko, Kaidou, come with me. Toritsuka, get lost."

'Like you can get rid of me that easily. I'll just eavesdrop on their conversation from the outside.' Toritsuka plotted.

"You know I can hear you right?" I deadpanned. Kaidou turned to me questioningly but I ignored him.

Toritsuka looked like a deer caught in headlights. I narrowed my eyes. He smiled and chuckled nervously. That was the last straw, I used my nanana-shaped memory eraser object to knock him out and EE'd (equivalent exchanged) Toritsuka. In his place lay a rather large pile of pond scum, I smirked but Kaidou looked horrified,

"CJ!! DID YOU KILL HIM?!" He screeched.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course not. I just traded him for something of equal value."

Kaidou still looked uncertain, I mean it's not like you see someone with the value of pond scum every day, but then again, I was able to trade Takahashi for a toilet so..

"C'mon, let's talk in the portable." I said.

We sat at a table and Miko cleared her throat, "I want to join your team

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We sat at a table and Miko cleared her throat, "I want to join your team." She stated.

I smirked, "You're in." I didn't want her in danger but she was already doing psychic kids stuff anyway and at least this way i could keep an eye on her. Plus, her powers could be a real asset. Not that I don't already have those powers but I can't control them and hers are more specific.

Kaidou on the other hand, wasn't so sure, in fact, he looked downright panicked, "What? CJ! You just met her!"

"You don't know that," I muttered.

He paused for a moment but continued, facing my sister, "How do you even know what you're joining?"

"Fortune Teller, duh!" She said, pointing a pink-painted fingernail at herself.

"It's true," I said, "She's like me but less overpowered."

Miko shrugged, "Whatev, at least I can make money off mine." She stuck her tongue out playfully.

Kaidou looked like he was trying not to fanboy so he diverted his eyes and said, "Well, that doesn't mean you're qualified for this."

"At school, me, Toritsuka, and one other guy," she winked at me, "Used to help people with our powers! We retrieved a cat, stopped a train, and helped each other out when we lost control over our powers." She told him.

Kaidou's eyes lit up and I could tell he was trying not to squeal but he ended up looking kinda constipated.
So cool!+:• he thought.
He cleared his throat, "You're in." He said in a ridiculous deep voice. Miko laughed and he flushed red.

"We won't be able to train for a while but you can come here to supervise or be manual labor if you'd like." I said when Miko stopped laughing.

"Okay, I could use a workout anyway, but I'll have to wear gloves or my nails might break." She replied. This is gonna be fun. She smiled at me.

Besides Kuriko, I'd love to hear your suggestions on the matter! I've already come up with a few ideas but here's a list of people who might need names:
1. Teruhashi
2. Hairo
3. Toritsuka
4. Mikoto
5. Aren
6. Kaidou
Please don't suggest any names that easily give away their powers or in Kaidou's case, please don't suggest Jet Black Wings. Thank you!

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