F 19 Penny x reader

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A/N: Hello lovelies, another post within a day of the last two! What the hell is happening. Anyway here is a shot I thought up last night so I thought I'd right it. Here ya go. I probably won't do a male version of this shot because I'm not entirely sure it would work, I might get bored though so you never know. Have a good day my lovelies. 

word count 1445 

Set after Hogwarts... Reader and Penny are 3 years older than Fleur making them 24

Y/n L/n was a good friend of the Weasley's she went to school with the two oldest and was an often seen sight around the burrow. When her curse braking skills became the stuff of legend after Hogwarts y/n and Bill started to work together in curse breaking. Y/n practically lived at the burrow and when she was reunited with her brother they where both invited to live with the oversized family of gingers. The siblings excitedly accepted the invitation, their parents continued to be strict about magic and thurally disagreed with their daughters choice in carries. Ron idolised y/n she was his childhood superhero.

Through the years Mrs Weasley had many attempts at setting up both y/n and bill and y/n and Charlie but it never quite worked. Why you might ask, the Slytherin had a thing for girls and one Hufflepuff in particular. Eventually, Mrs Weasley gave up when her sons pointed out why her plans would never work. Y/n and PEnny had been dating since 5th year. 

Back to the present.....

Bill and Fleur were about to get married, the Weasley household was abuzz. Charlie came back from Romania, even Jacob and y/n were dropping back to their second family. Penny would be coming soon, she just needed to wrap up this most recent potion she had been working on. 

It was a golden afternoon a pleasant glow rested over the Weasley household as the two siblings apperateded in nearly knocking over Charlie as they did so, the red-haired young man had just portkeyed in from Romania. Linking arms with Charlie the y/c hair siblings were squabbling over some little thing or other as they walked up to the cobbled path to the Burrow. Ron, who was sitting in the living room, was the first to notice the red-haired teen bottled u and to the door, Hermione and Harry following suit. 

Upon meeting the new people Hermione's first assumptions where as follows: The y/c haired girl was very obviously the famous curse breaker and her idol, y/n l/n. meaning that the y/c haired boy must be Jacob, her equally famous brother. The fact she appeared at the same time as Charlie and looping arms with him must mean they were together. 

Harry recognised the siblings from a photo on Ron's bedside table, a 14-year-old y/n was lifting a 7-year-old Ron onto her shoulders, next to it was the photo from Egypt and standing next to Charlie who was wearing a fez where the y/c haired siblings smiling at the camera. Y/n had been in Egypt working on some curse breaking and had dragged Jacob along with her. 

"Y/n, Jake, Charlie!" Ginny exclaimed as she ran into the room hugging them all in a tight grip. "Come on, I'll help you take that up to your room." Jacob split off from the girls as he went into the room he used to share with Bill. Y/n's room at the burrow looked untouched, the Slytherin posters still up on the wall, photos of y/n and the gang littering the bedside tables, letters to and from penny still in a pile on her desk. "Mum didn't want to move your stuff, y'know in case you came back, and you did."

"Thanks, Ginny."

"Your welcome, when is Penny going to get here? She is coming right?" Ginny loved Penny they got along like a house on fire. The Hufflepuff girl was great with kids, she would spend ages braiding Ginny's fiery hair while y/n ran around the yard with the boys. The animagus chasing sticks and the like until she had to change back completely out of breath. 

"Of course, she'll be here soon, I need to go say hello to everyone, do you think I'll need a list." The Slytherin girl laughed with Ginny as the pair headed downstairs, bumping into Charlie on the way down. "hey Char, come on let's make the rounds together, you'll help me make sure I won't miss anyone right?" 

The red-haired dragonologist chuckled as they headed into the living room. First was Mrs Weasley. Excited to see her all but adopted daughter back again Molly engulfed y/n in a hug after hugging Charlie. "It's so good to see you y/n. I'm so grateful you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss my favourite Weasley's wedding." 

"Hey!" Called Charlie. "I thought I was your favourite."

"Come on you know I can't pick a favourite,"y/n playfully hit him in the arm "Except maybe Penny."

Charlie scoffed muttering an 'of course'

Once the pair were nearly through with their greetings they ran into the trio again. 

"Hey little brother, you wanna introduce us to your friends?" Charlie dragged y/n over. Her attention as caught by the Weasley clock as she noticed herself, Jacob and Penny each had a hand on it. 

"Okay um, Harry" Points at the black haired male who looked a bit aloof, "Hermione" points at the brown haired girl bend over a book "this is y/n and Charlie, Y/n Charlie this is Harry and Hermione" Harry stood up to shake the pair's hands while Hermione cave a curt nod and a polite wave. 

Once the formalities where over Harry engaged y/n in a conversation about y/n's time in Hogwarts, Charlie slipped away when the conversation turned to the past. 

"So you really snuck into the forbidden forest!" Y/n face was light as she told tales of glory intertwined with tales of her friends. 

"Yesh and I've brewed polyjuice potion more time than I care to remember. Penny will be able to tell you, she is a genius when it comes to potions." Y/n's ears went ed with the thought of her girlfriend. 

Hermione's voice piped up from somewhere behind her book, she wanted so badly to talk to her idol but she was very nervous. "Say y/n how long have you been with Charlie?"

Y/n face turned to an expression of wait what "What now? 

"She asked how long have you been with Charlie?" Repeated harry a twinkle in his eye at the prospect of suck juicy information. 

Y/n and Ron both cracked up laughing, "You think she is shagging my brother?" Asked Ron. the others nodded earnestly. "Y/n here is gayer than a rainbow in June." 

An answer came from behind where y/n was seated on the floor, the curse breaker turned her head at the voice. "That's true." The voice belonged to one golden haired Hufflepuff, Penny came over to sit in her girlfriend's lap after having greeted all the other Weasleys. 

Y/n kissed her cheek as a brilliant blush came over Penny's face, "This is Penny, she is my girlfriend. We've been together for about nine years now." Pride beamed on y/n's face as Penny nuzzled her head into the crook of y/n's neck, she brought her head up to whisper in y/n's ear. 

Smiling ruefully y/n excused both herself and Penny up to her room, Penny had still yet to put her stuff anywhere. The girls grabbed Penny's things before heading upstairs. 

The small room was at the top of the house, next to Ron's room and almost in the attic. A hazy smile took over y/n's face, she was back in the house she loved, the walls painted with memories y/n dashed up the stairs taking Penny's bag in one hand and her hand in the other. Once they were behind y/n's door the pair sank to the floor a burst of giddy laughter took over them. 

Sunlight streamed into the small room, Penny seemed to glitter in the afternoon sun her smile was all the light y/n needed in the world. Y/n reached out her warm hand on Penny's jaw her thumb lightly brush the Hufflepuff's lips Penny smirked knowing exactly what her girlfriend wanted. Penny shifted herself, throwing one of her legs across her girlfriend so she sat straddling y/n. Leaning in y/n eyes fell shut as she pressed her lips to Penny's soft one, y/n's life where bitten and torn. Wanting to deepen the kiss Penny brought her tongue across y/n's lower lip, the other girl allowed entrance. 

When the pair separated from the kiss they where breathless. "I love you, Penny."

"I love you too."

Harry Potter females x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें