F 12 Pansy x Slytherin!reader

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no one ever seemed to notice if you just stood in the background. No matter what you looked like or where you came from it had always been easy to slip into the background, or so I thought. It had been so easy to blend in the muggle world, I think that's why my parent chose to move. It all changed once I started at Hogwarts. Suddenly everyone seems to know who I was, or at least who my parents were. No one cared who I was as a person, but they wanted to know about the daughter of the famous Mr and Mrs L/n, wizards who went awol from the ministry and from the dark lord.

In the muggle world I was in an orphanage, here I am just another student. At least I hoped I would be.

When I first got to Hogwarts I thought I was gonna be alone the whole time, to my surprise I wasn't. Some third year Slytherins' took me under there wings. They were nice, enough. I wasn't bullied or anything. I was, however, a fair amount smarter than them and I helped them out sometimes, a few homework essays here, a pop quiz there. I got along fine. It wasn't until the third year that someone pointed out to me how badly I was being treated.

I was sitting, alone, in the library helping Sabrina, one of my friends, with her last-minute essay. By helping I mean doing it while she was 'Studying' really she was drinking with our friends and their boyfriends. Anyway, it was dark as hell and I was doing my best to match her handwriting, I am pretty handy with a quill, it was 10:30 and I had gone through about 6 cups of coffee.

I was surprised when a pretty, dark-haired girl sat in front of me. I was quite shy, my 'friends' had made me come to believe that everyone but them was out to get me. they made me think that I couldn't trust anyone, I thought they were always doing me these little favours.

"What are you doing up this late?" She said she was in my year. "I've seen you in class. You're the one that is always done fifteen minutes before class ends and have your homework done before the bell goes."

I looked up at her for a second, locking eyes for a few seconds before looking down again

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I looked up at her for a second, locking eyes for a few seconds before looking down again. Damn, why did she have to be so cute? "You always get your work done so fast, how come your here?" Her eyes drop to scan the top of my page, she reads it aloud. "'Advanced Divination'? Our year has only just started Divination. You don't even take it."

"How do you know what I take?" I spoke in a quiet voice, only just above a whisper but the girl seemed to hang onto every single word.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "You are one of the cutest girls in the class, I think you are cute so I learned your schedule, that way I can have as many excuses to bump into you as possible... Sorry, I just realised how forward I was being. Damn Draco must have slipped some truth potion into my morning pumpkin juice. He was the one who suggested I come to talk to you." She whispered the last bit.

I smiled a little bit, she was being so nice to me. "No one has ever been this nice to me." I mummbled. I looked at the face of the girl in front of me, she seemed shocked. I felt ashamed, I think I said something wrong. I look back down to my work, I disappointed her. She doesn't like me any more. Why did I have to open my mouth?

Harry Potter females x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz