M10. Ginny Weasley x Fallen-Angel!reader

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A/n; If you are religious and get offended by well, anything to do with people claiming things that aren't true in the bible then don't read this one-shot. I will be claiming stuff that isn't true, the 'biblical' part of this one-shot will probably be more like supernatural.

Don't say I didn't wart ya. you may now proceed.

The extra cast for this one-shot

Richard Speight Jr. as Gabriel originally from Supernatural

It wasn't meant to happen like this; I was meant to help her not the other way around

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It wasn't meant to happen like this; I was meant to help her not the other way around. My name is too hard to translate into English or any human language so I'm not going to say it, at least not the name my father gave me; I go by y/n. I don't really have a last name, I wasn't even meant to be here.

My brother tricked me. Michael is known to the humans as God's most loyal son, the perfect one. He was nothing like that. My eldest brother was an ass-hat, Lucifer was never the evil one. Michael tricked him, just like he tricked me. I entered this earth in a blazing ball of fire, I fell from heaven. The saddest part is, no one missed me.

Up in heaven, all angels are given a 'charge' our job is to look after them. My charge is called Ginny, she has seven brothers and goes to Hogwarts. Wait Hogwarts, I'm at Hogwarts! Oh no. I need to hide, the students will come out any time now. I look down at myself, my white wings were bloody and my body was clad in my black battle armour. If I ran into someone now it was not gonna end well. I tried to stand pushing myself up with my staff, I couldn't put much weight on my legs so I used my weapon for help. I needed help, I could feel I was going to pass out soon. This was when I realized Michael had stolen some of my grace.

The world was a dancing mess of colours, lights and smells. It all slowly turned black. I vaguely heard the sound of metal hitting the cold stone floor. I could only just feel my wing curling underneath me as I fell, it was going to be broken.

*2 days later*

I woke up it a white room, there was a soft warmth surrounding me. I stretched out feeling a stabbing painful feeling in my left wing. I sat up sharply, my amour was gone and my wings weren't so white anymore, they looked black. I looked away from my feathers to see a plump older lady walking towards me.

"It is ok Dearie. You have been out cold for two days. I'll just make a call there is someone here who really wants to talk to you." The plump witch said hurrying off. She called in a little red-headed girl, she looked about 13. I looked at her as she came closer and I realized who she was.

"Hello. I'm Ginny. I found you, I was in the library late studying and I heard this massive crash. I walked out and found you, just laying there. You were bleeding. What is your name? Do you have one?" She looked at me concerned.

I tried to speak, I really did but I think when Michael took my grace he severed my vocal chords too. I put my hand up to my throat covering the slash in it completely. The chubby witch from earlier had done a good job cleaning up the gash but hadn't been able to fully fix it after Michael cut it. I used whatever once of grace I had left to heal myself, I mended my vocal chords and the gash.

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