F18 Hermione x Weasley!Reader

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a/n; hey everyone. I'm really sorry I've been AFK for so long. I just got on holiday, school is so stressful but hey I've got a double update for y'all. 

Coming out

"Y/n always was mum's favourite!" Ron remarked bitterly. "She was the perfect little princess mum always wanted." Ron was being sour, this morning...


The bubbling y/c haired Ravenclaw skipped over to the gold and red table, plopping her self down next to her frizzy-haired girlfriend. Whispering something in her ear. Ron stared down at his food bitterly. Eyes downcast, jaw set; he hated when his sister did this. He knew she knew, Ron had had a crush on Hermione since the end of the third year. He had confided in his older sister, asked her to talk to Hermione for him. Instead, Hermione came back the next day telling Harry and Ron of how she and y/n were now dating. Ron wished he could be happy for his sister, but it was hard when she was always flaunting her relationship in front of him.

"What's got you so excited?" Harry asked, clearly amused by the Weasley girls antics.

"This." y/n placed a scroll on the table in front of the trio. "It's the team selection for Ravenclaw Quidditch, look at the Captain." Y/n's chest puffed up with pride.

Hermione's grin matched her girlfriends. "I'm so, so proud of you Babe! This is amazing for you." Y/n tangled her fingers in Hermione's long hair. Ron noticed with some regard that his sister looked tired. Her eyes were heavy, and her fingers slightly shaky. Her elbows appeared bloody, as were her knuckles.

The conversation continued until a group of fifth, sixth and seventh year Ravenclaws came over. "Hey, y/n. Congrats on making team Captain." A tall, willowy boy said shaking y/n's hand. Dirty blond curls tangled around his shoulders. Lee Lovegood, sixth year, star chaser for Ravenclaw. Rumour has it he has a crush on y/n. "Anyway, as Captain, you get to call shots for things like training. I know it's not my place but as a member of the Quidditch team 5 years in a row, a great start to having a new Captain is to call a team meeting and get to know everyone properly."

Y/n smiled ruefully. Her eyes looked even more tired than before and Ron realised once her back was to him that a long scratch ran down her upper left arm. "Not now Lee. And don't think any of you can pressure me into doing stuff like your last Captain. It's my call to make not yours." She stood up and standing on the bench her face was level with Lee's. Poking the boy in the chest. "You have no power over me! And you would do damn well not to forget that. Now run along, little Chaser. I expect you to be working extra hard to impress me if you and your teammates don't meet my standards I can quite easily find a new team. Now run along and tell all your little friends what I've said."

Hermione was grateful she couldn't see y/n's eyes. Judging from the look in Lee's eyes y/n was angry, because, damn, he was scared. Once Lee and the other's had gone, y/n got up mumbling about needing air.

Back to the present

"I just don't know what Hermione sees in her!" Ron exclaimed in frustration, Harry rolled his eyes. Ron was just jealous, and fairly enough. Y/n was everything he wanted to be, she was good at Quidditch, she had a smart amazing girlfriend, she was well respected, she was her mother's daughter.

Ron and Harry lined up outside the Potions Classroom, it was so odd not to have Hermione with them. "Where is Hermione? She is usually with you guys, isn't she?" Neville asked Ron.

"I don't know where she is!" Ron was really annoyed. "She went after my sister, y/n left breakfast and Hermione followed her, I haven't seen either one since.

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