Bellatrix x Slytherin!reader

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WipThe Suns coming out

Requested by @Just_For_A_Laugh Bellatrix is one of my favourite characters. I  love the Mad ones. I have been meaning to write one for her for ages. I'm sorry this took me ages to write, hope you like it. 

1387 words, geese this took a long time. 

It was a sunny day and I was sitting with b/f/n and Bellatrix. The trio was basking in the sun, at least b/f/n and Bellatrix was, I was sat under a tree.  We were talking laughing and pretending to analysis each other's dreams.

'So once I dreamed that we were all really tiny animals, Bella, you were a lioness, I was a dragon and y/n was a wolf, and we all had magical powers. We hollowed out the bottom part of a goal post and made a little house there.' B/f/n explained. 'Ok Bella, your turn.'

'I dreamt that b/f/n found a magic ring and he/she/they hypnotised all the teachers in the school making them do her bidding. It was quite funny actually, they were all strode in the great hall doing the chicken dance in perfect unison. Dumbledore, Snape, and Lupin were in the front.' Bellatrix finished laughing. 'What about you y/n?'

'Okay let me think... Ah. So me and my cousin were walking around this dark room. There were these bus shelter looking things that were all covered in cushions. Anyway we were walking around when this girl with honey blonde hair, tanned skin, and beautiful blue eyes came and started talking to me. As me and my cousin walked off he/she/they said smirking at me, 'She was totally flirting with you ya know.' and my response was 'I'm pretty sure I would know if a pretty girl was flirting with me.'' I finished, I got these dreams sometimes they were so vivid I thought they were real.

'Okay my turn. I was crouched outside the staff room when all of a sudden y/n waved her hand and six or seven of us all started to move. We all ether had a nerf gun or a water gun and we burst through the door yelling 'put your hands up!' then I stepped forward and said 'Give us the ice cream and no one gets hurt.' Then one teacher scurries off to the freezer and returns with six containers of ice cream. We take them and run out the door screaming 'Victory!' That was a good dream.' B/f/n says smiling ruefully.

'One night I dreamed we all wound up in a muggle catholic school. It was funny because you two got kicked out. You tried to pull a prank on the pastor. The twins suffered the same fate. The four of you walked out skipping and singing 'We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.'' Bellatrix cracked up, and so did I knowing that was something I would probably/probably not do.

'Okay your turn y/n, tell us one of your dreams.' B/f/n smirked as she basked in the sun.

'Okay. Hmm... I know one.' I said after a long pause. 'So I'm sitting in a library in front of a laptop. Then this girl with brown hair and honey green eyes walks over and hands me a super sweet cup of black coffee, my reply was 'Thanks Hun.' and then I woke up.' 

'I think I know what that means...' b/f/n trails off

'That I like my coffee black and super sweet?' I suggested blushing a little.

'Come on y/n. The suns coming out, so should you.' B/f/n chuckled. I looked over to Bella for some help but she was just looking down a brilliant red blush spread across her cheeks.

*time skip to dinner*

Dinner had finally come around so Bella and I were sat at the Slytherins table, unfortunately b/f/n couldn't come as he/she/they was/were sitting at the Ravenclaw table. The conversation was always interesting around the Slytherins. Sometimes it would be gossip, sometimes it would be about who has what homework and who would help them. Needless to say being in Slytherins was like having a huge family.

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