F 4. Luna x Reader

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What Does Gay Mean?

(Luna x reader)

"N/n what does gay mean?" My little brother, b/n asked.


"My friend Christopher said your gay."

"Well, I'm a girl so I'm often called a lesbian. But lesbian, gay, and homosexual all mean the same thing. When one person loves another person of the same gender." I explained.

"So you are gay?"

"Yeah, and I'm proud of it. Just because some people don't understand or nesesaraly like the idea of a girl liking a girl or a guy liking a guy. It doesn't mean it's wrong."

"Christopher also said gay people are sinners."

"Well that means Christopher pays attention to religious study's. In the Bible it say homosexuality is a sin. I personally don't believe that but Christopher is in titled to his own opinion, but so are you b/n. Don't let others tell you what's wrong and what's right. Think for yourself, you have an amazing mind."

"Thanks n/n. I love you, even if you are homosexual."

"I love you too, b/n."


On the phone: L- Luna, Y- you

L: Hi y/n, how are you?

Y: Hey Luna, I'm great. What's up.

L: oh nothing, I just wanted to see what you were up to.

Y: nothing new. I went to the park with b/n, then. Came home and watched tv/ watched YouTube/ buried my noise in a book.

L: that sounds nice, come to think of it how's b/n?

Y: oh he's good. Today I found out my brother's best friend is a Christian.

L: who, Christopher?

Y: yeah. So I got questioned about 'am I gay?, what does gay mean' and all that stuff.

L: wow, have you told your parents yet?

Y: why should I have to? My sister never had to go up to my parents and say 'hey, I'm straight' so why should I have to go and tell them I'm y/s?

L: fair point. *yelling in the background* I've got to go dad's calling me for dinner.

Y: ok Love. I'll talk to you later, it's about time for dinner here too.

L: love you n/n.

Y: bye

L: bye

At dinner: D- Dad, Y- you, B- B/n, M- Mum a/n this was too hard to read otherwise.

D: So y/n, have you got a boyfriend yet?' My father questions me with the serving spoon.

Y: 'No Dad.'

D: 'Good! I still don't like the idea of my little girl dating some strange guy.'

B: 'Oh, you don't have to worry about that.' B/n piped up

D: What do you mean, b/n/n.'

Y: 'He means I don't like boys.'

M: 'What do you mean, Honey?' Mum pitched in.

Y: 'l have a girlfriend. Ok?'

M: 'Oh... Well, I guess it was bound to happen with one of my kids.' She muttered

D: 'Ok. Well, I'm sure she's lovely. And your Mother and I are happy as long as your happy Sweetheart.

M: 'Oh yeah. One question tho, why didn't you tell us? About you being lesbian?'

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