M14. Penny Haywood x reader

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A/n: the reader is only in Slytherin because I don't know the names of the other house prefects in HP:HM

Tonight was Roman's 16th Birthday. We were having a huge party with people from all four houses. My amazing girlfriend, Penny had organised it all. My job was keeping Rowan out of the castle.

"Hey, Rowan!" I called jogging down the hall, trying to catch my best friend. "I *pant* really need *pant* your help! Just let me catch my breath! Penny and I's one year anniversary is coming up, I don't know what to get her. I was hoping you could help me pick something out for her."

Rowan laughed at me over the top panting attempting to fan myself with the end of a Hufflepuff scarf I had stolen from Penny this morning, she was walking around wearing my Slytherin scarf. "Sure y/n! We should go to Hogsmeade."

"Sounds great Ro!" I trudge out into the snow over to a carriage. Pulling the door open dramatically I gesture for my friend to jump up. "Ma'Lord."

"You, y/n Morgenstern, are a goof!" I pulled myself into the carriage as Rowan sat herself down on the leather seats.

We had just sat down when the door opened again, in came our friend Ben Cooper. The panting Gryffindor set himself down next to Rowan. "Hey Rowan, y/n. Has either of you guys seen Penny? She asked me to help her study but I haven't been able to find her. I asked Bill and he just said I should find you guys. Something about helping y/n? Also, I ran into Tonks on the way here she wants to come to Hogsmeade with us."

"Yeah. I'm helping her find an anniversary present for Penny. I think Penny might have wanted you to help her with the same thing." Rowan stepped in with logic. "Tonks is always welcome to come." Ro looked out the window watching as our pink-haired Hufflepuff friend came running down the path.

Once Tonks caught up we realised she also had Bill with her. Everyone squished into the carriage, it was quite a sight. Looking around everyone had their house colours on, well except me wearing Penny's scarf. The Gryffindor boys, Tonk's with her Hufflepuff scarf the same colours as mine, and Rowan in his Slytherin scarf.

Time Skip

The group of us wandered around the snowy streets of Hogsmeade for a while, before deciding to go to the Three Broomsticks for some warm butterbeer. "Come on guys, I'll shout. It's my turn." I said as I held the door open for everyone.

Once everyone had downed three butter beers each Tonks suggested we go to the Jewellers to get Penny's present. The same jewellers I had gone to on the last trip to get an engraved watch for Rowan. It took some minutes to persuade the other boys to come but it would be better if we didn't split up. Bill knew about our mission to keep Rowan in Hogsmeade as long as possible, so did Tonks.

The bell made a ding-a-ling as we entered the small shop. It was so easy to miss if you didn't know it was there, snow-covered sign and entryway a narrow set building with beautiful carvings on the wooden posts.

Upon entering we were greeted by the warm wood panel walls and many glass cases full of sparkling jewellery; rings, earring and necklaces of all sorts of gemstones and precious metals gleaned from inside their glass prisons. Behind the rosewood counter stood a tall boy, his blue-grey eyes danced with amusement as we piled in. Rowan and I's ex-prefect, Felix Rosier, stood watching as me and my friends all stepped into the shop.

As everyone busied themselves with searching through the glass cases with their eyes I made my way over to the counter. "Felix, how are you?"

"I'm well. What about you y/n? I know that scarf isn't yours, whose, may I ask, is it?" The pale boy quirked one eyebrow, his pale eyes filled with amusement.

I fiddled with the end of my scarf. "It's Penny's, the scarf."

"Penny Haywood?" Felix asked with wide eyes. "Of course, you two are dating aren't you." I nodded, Felix and I had become quite good friends since he left Hogwarts. "I remember now, you ran most of the way from Hogwarts to here to tell me after you asked her out. It's coming up a year isn't it, I suppose you came to get an anniversary gift for her didn't you?"

I smirked Felix had been playing shock at the start, of course, he remembered. "Show me what you've got, I was thinking of getting her a gold and emerald pendant. You know Slytherin and Hufflepuff colours mixed."

"Those are also your familial house colours aren't they?"

"Yes, they are," I said as I cast a glance to the ring that adorned my left hand. Carved into a gold signet ring was the letter M around it were set a bunch of small emeralds. My brother and sister also had matching rings so did my dad, my mum chose to stick with her own family's ring. (Anyone recognises the ring? If so thank you, you are an amazing human. If you didn't you are still amazing! I changed it a little from the description.)

The emeralds were meant to be stars; Morgenstern, German for Morning Star named so after Lucifer, the angel who fell from heaven.

"Well, I have just the thing!" Felix pulled a stunning gold necklace from one of the cases
. It was a pair of golden angel wings, the feathers were emeralds with a silver star charm coming down. Fixed in the star was a shining piece of Obsidian. It was perfect. (Like the one below but replace the cross with the star below)

 (Like the one below but replace the cross with the star below)

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"This is perfect Felix! Thank you so, so much

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"This is perfect Felix! Thank you so, so much."

"She's gonna love it."

Just over 1000 words! I'm am so sorry for being away from the keyboard. I promise that I am working on all the amazing requests you guys sent in. I had finished this one a little while ago but I needed to polish it and todo the rewrite as well, I'm sorry it isn't longer but I currently don't have my laptop for longer writing.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy holidays. SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALL!!!!

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