M5. Pansy x Malfoy!Reader

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Pansy had been extremely bored, her best friend was in hospital and she wasn't allowed to go see him. Y/n had fallen off of his broom trying to impress Pansy at Quidditch practice, not that she knew that, and had broken seven of his ribs as well as his left arm and right ankle. Usually in a situation like this she would go and bother Draco for his affection but he was in the hospital wing with his brother. The only other person outside the hospital wing was Blaise and even he was on edge.

Y/n was the star chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team, he was always there to make sure his brother didn't screw up to magerly on important game days. The Quidditch season was coming to a close with the final match in about two days. The whole of Slytherin was worried that with y/n down they would surely lose that match.

Pansy had been sitting outside the hospital wing door for about an hour when Professor Snape came out to get her. Snape was a family friend and housed a strong fatherly affection towards the Malfoy boy. Pansy had perked up immediately when Severus gestured for the young Slytherin girl to come into the hospital wing.

Y/n was laying in bed looking at his brother, they appeared to be deep in a hushed conversation when the sound of the door closing alerted them both to the other presence in the room. Y/n rolled his head over to look at the new comer, Draco smirked knowingly as his brother lit up at the entrance of his best friend.

'Y/n! I was so worried!' Pansy quietly screeched half running to her friends side.

'Don't worry bout it Pans, I've had worse.' Y/n said before being engulfed in a coughing fit.

'Unfortunately he has. Y/n is a tough boy, you don't give him enough credit for the amount of times he's saved my ass.' Draco piped up looking at his brother.

'I know. This isn't the first time he's done something stupid and reckless.' Pansy replied.

Madam Pomfrey came rushing over when she heard y/n coughing. She scolded y/n for talking before Pansy explained it was her fault.

Two weeks later

'Why were you so reckless! Y/n, you got yourself seriously hurt! You need to be more careful!' Pansy had been livid with y/n after she got out of the hospital wing. She had been at y/n's side ever since he was discharged

'Pans, calm down. I'm fine now. You don't need to worry about me.' Y/n protested as he set herself down on one of the many couches in the Slytherin common room.



'Why did you do it?'

'Why did I do what, Pansy?'

'Why did you do whatever you were trying to do at Quidditch practice?'

Y/n's POV

I blushed folding my arms over my chest. How was I supposed to tell my best friend that I have a crush on her, or that I was trying to impress her when I 'nearly ended up killing myself' as she so diligently put it.

'Oh, what have we here does n/n have a crush? You were trying to impresssome one weren't you? Don't you try and deny it! Oh, are they on the Quidditch team?'

I bit my lip, of course Pansy knew I was (your sexuality). She just had to keep digging didn't she. 'No, she's not on the Quidditch team.'

'Oh, then someone at the practice? Come on spill.'

'Yes, she was at the Quidditch practice. Yes, you know her. How did I know you were gonna ask that? I've known you for all of our time at Hogwarts and then some.' I say smirking despite everything.

Pansy looked at me in utter disbelief, before she started to speak again. 'Will you tell me her name?'

'Pansy Parkinson, what on earth makes you think I would tell you?'

'I could set you two up? You never know she might be into you too?'

'Somehow I doubt that.' I mumbled

'But why? Y/n you are an amazing person, if she can't see that she's not worth your time.'

'Pans, she's a pure blood.'

'Come on tell me. Or would you rather me end up figuring it out?'

'I don't know how to tell you. I can't describe how she makes me feel. I can't describe how beautiful she is. I can't describe how she makes my life so much brighter.' I could have sworn I saw a flicker of sadness or disappointment cross her face, I thought I must be seeing things.

'Ok, if you can't tell me, show me. Show me who she is.'

I took a deep breath in before I pulled myself to my feet before grabbing Pansy's hand and pulling her up. She stumbled a bit underestimating my strength, so I pulled her in to me to steady her. She looked up at my face before I set my lips against hers.

Pansy let out a small shriek making me start to pull away. She was having none of that though, she reached up to grab my collar. She pulling me back down to her as well as standing on her tip toes. I smirked into the kiss a little bit as my arms went to encircle her waist pulling her even closer that I had thought humanly possible. She removed her hands from my collar and drew them around my neck.

As it turned out we were not as alone as I thought, I heard the portrait shut and a few wolf whistles. Pansy pulled away her cheeks a very dark red that could rival even the hair of the Weasleys. I shock my head slightly at my brother's antics.

'It looks like Pansy finally found someone other than me to pawn over.' Draco chuckled.

'Draco.' I say my voice testing.

'Oh right. Well we'll just get what we came here for and get going.' Draco said as he went upstairs.

After Draco left I realised that Pansy was still in my arms.

'You sounded a little jealous there y/n.' She smirked at me.

'Well you have kinda been swooning over Draco for a long time.'

'What if I told you that was my way of attempting to hide my affections for you.'

'I probably wouldn't believe mhhpm...'

Pansy silenced me by closing the small gap between us again.

'I really like you y/n. Is that not enough?'

'No it is Pansy. Will you be mine?'

'Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?'

'If I was would you say yes?'


'Then yes.'

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