二十一 ▪︎Because of You

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《▪︎because of you▪︎》


Double characters of '喜' were plastered all over the couple's wedding chamber to prepare for their festive night together. The moon was covered with the stormy clouds that were thundering, preparing for a storm of rain. The red decoration was wavering through the winds of the cloudy night. maids were just finishing up with their last errands were about to settle in for the night.

The drunken groom was not excited to meet his bride in the bed chamber. Lin Ying had a wine bottle in right hand and two eunuchs following behind him. Liy Ying lifts up his head to stare at moonlight and bitterly thinks about Liu Xia. His first love and the only girl that is in his heart.

"Your crowned highness, crowned princess is in the room in front of you. We are going to open the door." Eunuch Li lowered his head towards the groom and gestured to the door.

The sentimental groom sighed, "you servants go back. I'll go in by myself." The eunuchs looked at each other and stepped back from the Crown prince.

With a single breath, Lin Ying opened the door to a youthful bride sitting upon the bed. She excitedly straightened her back and smiled under her red veil. The groom can sense her greed for affection and love. However, Lin Ying can only feel repulsed by this vile woman before him. He felt disgusted that he was marrying a girl who killed his first love and only lover.

"Lin Dage- oh wait I should call you 'Husband' now, right?" The bride seductively spoke while waiting for her groom to lift her veil. Lin Ying just felt even more disgusted. He didn't want to spend another minute with Xiao Jue.

"I will never love you. On behalf of our friendship I will never kill you or divorce you but I will never give you my affection." Lin Ying spoke under his breath. "I'm going to ask royal father to demote you to a second wife. I'd rather have a stranger as my first wife than you."

Xiao Jue was  speechless. She was angered. Her fists were clenched within her wedding attire.

"Is it because of that wench? The dead girl?" Xiao Jue angrily stood up against the bed and snatched the red veil that draped down her face and off her golden head piece.

Liu ying took a big step and gripped Xiao Jue's petite neck. "You killed her. You betrayed her. You will never be able to compare to her." He throws her on the bed and looks at her disgustingly.

He turned around unable to stare at her anymore. His emotions overtook him and he was trembling with feelings he would never be able to explain to anyone.

The vile woman leaped from the bed she was thrown from and walked towards her husband. She wrapped her red sleeved arms around his torso. Lin Ying tried to pry her off of him, "Xiao Jue what are you doing-"

"I love you so much do you know that? I can be just like her. I can be exactly just like her if that would make you reciprocate my affections for you." Xiao Jue spoke. "I grew up with her to understand how she acts and her habits, I can do it."

The prince squinted at her like she was psychotic. "Are you crazy?"

Xiao Jue's doe eyes watered with tears and yearning. "I'm only crazy when it comes to you. I just want to be with you."


The moonlight glimmers down on the wet glistening roof tiles of the palace roofs. Stars were glittering in the skies while a girl in ivory white mourning robes approached gates.

Liu Xia appeared before the four guards that are protecting the future emperor. In her black pupils there was vengeance, pain, and sadness.

The four guards stared at the girl who was dressed oddly. Why would a girl in mourning robes come to the crown prince's manor?

"Hey little miss, you must have gotten the wrong-" the whole four guards were knocked out instantly. The four bodies hit the floor hard. Liu Xia was taken aback a little and saw a mischievously smiling Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan looked at Liu Xia and said, "How could I let a little girl get revenge without my help?" He grinned so happily that you couldn't even tell that he was gonna get revenge.

Of course, as a god he could possibly do anything and teleported through the gates entrance and opened it for her.

Before Liu Xia entered the manor, something restricted her from entering.

She looked back with annoyance written all her face wondering who is trying to stop her.

"What are you doing? Trying to get killed again?" Jin Guangming held her tightly with one hand around her upper chest. He held her quite firmly as if he was scared to lose her again.

"I understand you're my benefactor, but please don't butt your nose in this. This is my own business." Liu Xia tried to move in between his grip.

Zhao Xuan awkwardly stood there watching their non-intimate embrace. "Hey we don't have much time."

Liu Xia struggled harder after hearing Zhao Xuan. "Just let me go Mister Jin."

Jin Guangming loosened his grip and let her go. She looked at him and was going to open her mouth to speak but he interrupted her. "We are going to make sure no one harms you. So you must clearly follow our plan, understand?"

Liu Xia looked up at the tall god before her. She was just treated like an animal and was almost whipped to death. She felt betrayal and pain. Liu Xia didn't understand why anyone would help her after she just hit the bottom. "Why are you helping me?"

He took a step towards her. He looked into her eyes and felt everything again. The feeling of loving again. "Because of you."


《▪︎because of you▪︎》

Thank you for the immense support even though I have been hiatus for so long! I will try harder. You guys make me feel more motivated to write more! Love yalls!

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