十八▪Remembrance of Pain

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《▪Remembrance of pain▪》


Four-hundred seventeen years, seventy-four hours, forty-three minutes, and twenty-eight seconds.

He has been keeping track for so long that it had become a habit for him. He kept trying to remember how long she had left him for, and sadly he has been counting ever since. 

It had spread far and wide among the immortal realm that Jin Guangming had found Lei Mengxiang. the gossiping Immortals had spoken with envy in their voice every single time. The Immortals were envious that he was able to find a beautiful girl that he was truly dedicated to. all the female immortals wanted to be loved like that!

However, only one female immortal wasn't envious. Huang Xihua was outraged when she heard those words that stated that her lover, Jin Guangming had found Lei Mengxiang.

"Outrageous!" Huang Xihua had pushed all her belongings on the table onto the floor. "How long is he going to be hung up on her? I clearly love him!"

Furious tears had fallen down her face. Huang Xihua was upset due to her opinion that Jin Guangming shouldn't be with that mortal. She thought that she was better than Lei Mengxiang because she was an immortal. "Jin Guangming, why can't you reciprocate those feelings back?"

Huang Xihua had stormed out of her palace and over to the God of Light and Color's manor. Fiery had built up in her and the only way she could express her anger was in tears. 

Each step that she had taken were with hastiness and anger. She stormed into his manor and Zhao Xuan had blocked the doorway by raising his blade. "Guangming said you can't enter his manor anymore."

"Just let me in Zhao Xuan." The furious female immortal was trying to bargain with Zhao Xuan. "I'll give you the most expensive wine in the mortal realm, okay?"

"I can't do that. Last time you tried bribing me Guangming nearly cut off my head." Zhao Xuan spoke to Huang Xihua.

The wind had blown and her dried due to the wind. "Fine." She decided to not be stubborn this time and left before Jin Guangming would show up to save herself some dignity.

Huang Xihua had walked out of the manor's main doors and left with her heart-wrenching in jealousy. Her hair flew within the wind and exposed the back of her neck. Her face was full of vinegar and bitterness.

Zhao Xuan watched Huang Xihua leave to make sure that she wouldn't come back by sneaking in. In fact, Zhao Xuan knew her temperament since they were little, He knows what she is like.

The bamboo doors were rusting against the winds that were blowing pretty strongly. The jasmine flowers fragrance had filled the manor up by the wind carrying its fragrance. The depressing weeping willow tree had also been blown around too.

Inside of the vast room, Liu Xia had lifted her heavy eyes from the long sleep she had. The moment she had taken a deep breath, Jin Guangming worries were relieved, but yet there was still worry on his mind. How would she react to remembering her suffering in this life?

All the fears and memories flooded into her mind which tore her heart bit by bit.

Xiao Jue betraying their sister-like relationship.

Lin Ying killing her father.

Lin Ying's father whipping her to the brink of death.

Violent sobs erupted from her croaky throat that had not been used in several days. Her dry throat was parched but all she wanted was to scream. Scream so hard that she wouldn't be able to feel anything.

Liu Xia's arms were frail but she kept on banging it against the bed. Her tears stained the pillows and screams of emotional pain were heard throughout the manor. Her lips were chapped and cracking. There was no color in her lips besides the blood that was coming from her chapped lips.

Her left hand gripped her chest in the pain of her heart being torn apart. That aching feeling of not having anything left.

After a few seconds of sobbing, Liu Xia realizes that there is a man in the same room and witnessed her entire emotional breakdown. She immediately sat up. "Sorry, you had to witness my disturbing cries."

Jin Guangming had his arms raised to her shoulders to lay her down in the bed. "A lass like you should be resting. You had many serious injuries that I almost couldn't cure."

"You rescued me? Why couldn't you just leave me out to die like how I was supposed to." Liu Xia closed her eyes in pain from having the hint of sadness in her croaky voice.

"Do you really think I'd leave a dying little girl on the concrete?" Jin Guangming raised a brow.

"You should have." Liu Xia opened her eyes again. She looked around her surroundings and realized that this manor doesn't look like her Liu manor. "Where am I?" 

"My manor. I am Jin Guangming." Jin Guangming introduced himself awkwardly.

Liu Xia looked directly at Jin Guangming and noticed he looks very similar to the man that was in her dream before Xiao Jue betraying her. She brushed it off as if it was nothing. 

"Jin Guangming. Sounds like a nice name. I am Liu Xia."


《▪Remembrance of pain▪》

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