Chapter 11: "OH SKITTLES!! I'M LATE!!!!!"

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(this chapter sill be slightly sad at one point. Be warned of sad themes.)

    Horror's POV

We all had stayed over at Blue,  Outer, Geno, and Dream's place for a while. Three hours after Dream woke up a few days ago, someone named C0de walked in. He's still here so...... Anyway, I was talking to Hell, Error and Spring. I noticed that Lust was sitting on the Other couch. He looked at his phone and gasped. "OH SHI—" Lust yelled, getting cut off by Ink glaring at him. "......... OH SKITTLES!! I'M LATE!!!!!" He yelled. He put his phone in his pocket and got up, walking towards the door. "CYA LATER GUYS!!!" He yelled. "BYE LUST!!!" Ink and Blue yelled. Geno gave him a hug. "Be safe out there will ya? Wouldn't want... That... happening again... I can't stand seeing one of my friends suffering... so take care of yourself... we'll see you later. Okay??" He said. Lust nodded.  "Bye!" He said, walking out the door. After a few minutes, I spoke up. "Should we follow him??" I asked. "Knowing Lust... Yes. He's always getting hurt... we don't know why, but it seems he's a target for a lot of things..." Ink said. "Welp! Killer, have you seen my axe??" I asked "Yep. It's in that closet over there along with most of our other weapons. Although, My knife doesn't seem to be in there..." Killer said, muttering the last part. "We'll find it!!" I said "Sure we will... I guess......" Killer said quietly "Wait, Hold up... Why the fuck are you so attached to that knife??" Ink asked "......... It's none of your business......" Killer growled, getting up and walking out of the house. "W-What Happened?" Dream asked, walking down the stairs. "Lust just left, Killer got angry and walked out, aaannndd we gotta not only follow Lust, but find Killer's knife." Blue answered "Hmmm...... why is Killer mad?" Dream asked "Cuz he lost his knife which for some strange reason is very important to him." I answered "...... Did you ask him about it?" Dream asked cautiously. We nodded. He face-palmed. "He won't tell you unless he really trusts you." Dream said "Wait... Did he tell you??" I asked. He nodded. "Why is he so attached to that knife??" Ink asked immediately. "...... I won't be telling you guys because It's a personal situation." Dream said. He started walking away. He stopped. "Also, If he gets back before I find him... Tell Killer I found his knife." He said emotionlessly. He walked out. "......... Welp, Lets go follow Lust." I said. We all got up and walked out the door. We saw Lust a little ways up the road and followed him. He led us to... the music academy?? He stopped in front of the door. "I know you guys are there... You can go in with me. They won't let you in if you don't have an appointment or if you don't work here. Just come with me..." He muttered. He looked at the people standing at the door with an emotionless glare and they shook with fear. "I have to work today, boys. Let me in and MAYBE I can persuade the boss not to fire you." Lust said with a blank face. They shakily nodded and opened the door. "Good. Who knows? Maybe Dance won't Fire you. Maybe he'll give you a raise. It all depends on me and the others, so don't make us angry. We're watching you."  Lust muttered. They shook fearfully. Lust walked into the door. We followed. He led us to a room with a stage, a few microphones, and some speakers. On the stage stood three people:

A girl with blue hair and rabbit ears

A girl with blue hair and rabbit ears

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