Chapter 1: On The Run Again....

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(Edited as of Friday, March 15th, 2019)

(The song is DarkSide by Alan Walker, only it is a remix instead of the original. Please Play it through the chapter plz. Thanx Guys!! Enjoy!!)

       3rd Person POV

There were some people running in in the darkness of night... The first one— the leader. His name was Nightmare Joku... he had this black slime all over him and had four tentacles behind him... Only one of his eyes was visible... it was a vibrant, but ice cold blue color... there were two people behind him... 90's Trash as some would call him..... His name was Fresh CQ... and his brother, Error CQ was next to him... Fresh had sunglasses that usually said 'Yolo' on them, although sometimes the words would change to something else.... usually they would say what he is thinking to some extent.... and Error was a glitchy,
black-boned skeleton who had blue 'tears' training from his eyes down to his chin.... he also had yellow and red bones at his fingertips... behind them was a Demon-Wolf Hybrid named Shadow DarkSide, though most just call her Shady or Shade... she had black hair fading into dark blue, with black wolf ears and a tail, she also had red eyes and claws that for some reason had blood on them.... behind her were her two brothers, their names were Dust and Horror DarkSide.... Horror had a large whole in his skull and one glowing red eye, his other eye was always black and had no pupil or iris... just an empty, black, socket..... he had blood all over him... Dust was... well... he was covered in monster dust, which basically meant he had killed a lot of monsters. He had a dull blue jacket with a light gray hood... he had one Reddish-Blue Eye and one Purple eye that had a red iris.... Then next to them was Reaper Renrik, he had a scythe, the blade was going over his shoulder with his hands on the handle... he was wearing a black cloak with a skull shaped pendant holding it together, he kinda looked like the grim reaper.... he was floating too.... and he had no pupils or irises, just empty, emotionless, cold, black sockets.... behind him was Fell, who refused to tell anybody his name.... he had sharp teeth, one of which was golden, and had one red eye and the other was just black... he had a black jacket with white fluff on it. He wore a red shirt underneath the jacket. Then, we have Killer Rahafwabas, who had no pupils and no irises... he had black 'tears' going down his face, the tears were actually Liquid Hate... he had a target symbol on his chest, which, I all honesty and always carried a bloody knife with him.... next to Killer was Cross Jakei... Cross was... he was something... he was one of Shady's two best friends that AREN'T in her family.... he shared his body with a ghost of a child named Chara.... Chara has White Hair, pale skin, one white eye and one red eye... the red eye had black instead of white....  Cross shared a similar appearance, only he was dressed for Antarctica.... Cross had a scar right under one of his eyes, and he was very cold towards most... although there is one person he doesn't offend or hurt.... That would be Shady, as she is his best friend and the only person who really listens to his problems...

Nightmare's POV

Damn! They're STILL following us?! "SCATTER!" I Yelled. Shady and Cross ran one way, Horror, Killer, and Dust another. Error, Fresh, and I ran towards the middle of the woods.....

Cross's POV

Me and Shady finally managed to escape the police. We teleported back to the base. "So, Chocolate??" She Asked, holding up a bar of chocolate "GIMME!!" I screeched "MINE!!" She Yelled, Running for the stairs... "SHADY, GIVE ME THE CHOCOLATE!!" I screamed, Running after her "NEVER!!!!" Shady Yelled "LOOK, I WOULD'VE SHARED!!!" I Yelled "Oh? Would you now?" She asked sarcastically "DUH!!!!" I Said "Fine, you win." She Said, walking into the kitchen. She cut the chocolate bar in half and gave me one of the halves. "YAY!" I Yelled, eating the chocolate like a madman "Damn, Cross! You eat like a starved wolf!!!!" Shady Said "Damn, Shady! You LOOK like a starved wolf!" I Said, mocking her tone "....." She didn't say a word... "HAHAHAHA!" We Both burst into laughter "Okay— What the actual fuck did we miss while we were gone?!" Nightmare Said "Cross and I got into the mansion when I picked up a chocolate bar and said 'so, chocolate?' And then Cross Yelled 'GIMME!' And then I said 'MINE' and then he chased me up the stairs, through the hallways, back down the stairs and into the kitchen where he then said he would have shared and I was like 'Oh? Would you now?' And then he said 'DUH' and then I gave in, and cut the chocolate bar in half. I gave him one half and then he proceeded to literally devour it and then I said 'Damn Cross! You eat like a starved wolf!' And then Cross Said 'Damn Shady, You LOOK like a starved wolf!' And then we both died of laughter and then you guys walked in!" Shady Said. She looked at me. "HAHAHAH!" We both laughed even more "Okay— SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOUR GIVING ME A GODDAMN HEADACHE!!" Nightmare Yelled "Okay! Sure, we'll shut the fuck up!" Shady Said cheerfully "...I'm gonna go overdose on pain killers..." Nightmare Said "Oh! I gots plenty of those, brotato chip! I also have some other stuff too! You can have as many as you want, Broski!" Fresh Said "YOU IDIOT! THAT WAS SARCASM!! I CAN'T EVEN OVERDOSE AS I AM IMMUNE TO DRUGS!! Goddamn idiot...." Nightmare raged "Oh... Okay, thats Radical!! Now we know who can't die from the radtastic fresh parasite!!" 90's trash Said "... Jesus fucking Christ...." Nightmare muttered, walking out of the room "Welp! Cross and I have stuff to talk about. Killer, your coming with us! Let's go!" Shady Said "Okay..." I Said "K, why not!" Killer Said "

         Shady's POV

I walked upstairs and into my room with Cross and Killer following. What I DID NOT know was that my two idiot brothers were following us....

         Horror's POV

Me and Dust were following Shady, Killer, and Cross so we could make sure Killer and Cross Don't flirt with her or hurt her.... they were now in Shady's room... "Dust.... We need to listen in... do not talk... they don't need to hear us..." I whispered "okay..." Dust Said

             Cross's POV

"So, Anything we need to talk about???" Shady Asked "Yeah, Like.... Does anybody here like someone??" Killer Asked
"W-WHAT KINDA QUESTION IS THAT?!" I Yelled "Well, now we know Cross likes someone... WHO?!" Killer Said "Yeah! Spill the juicy secrets!!" Shady Said
"U-Um... Well.... I-I... I m-May or may n-not like N-Nightmare...." I said shyly ".... I SHIP IT LIKE FED EX!!!!!!" Shady Yelled "OTP OTP OTP!!" Killer screeched "H-HEY!! I'VE GOT AN IDEA!! W-WHY DON'T WE TALK ABOUT
A-ANYTHING ELSE!!!" I Yelled "Nope. We are gonna talk about CROSSMARE!!!" Shady screeched ".... end me...." I Said "Sooooo~ When are you gonna confess, hmmmm? Well Cross~ You need to get your senpai!!! Make him love you!!!" Shady Said in a teasing tone of voice "BITCH, I AM NOT GONNA GO YANDERE MODE!! NO WAY!! I DON'T STALK PEOPLE!!" I Yelled "But you do kill people~" Shady Said "No. I KIDNAP people and then let Killer or Horror kill them.There is a difference between the art of murder and and the art of kidnapping." I Said, pointing at Killer when I Said his name "Oh. Okay!" Shady Said "Now... We need to find a way for Cross to confess to his Waifu~" Killer Said "W-W-WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!?!" I Yelled "You HAVE to confess!!" Shady Said "My answer is No! And that's final! Now, I'm out!" I Said, standing up and walking towards the door. When I opened to door, Horror and Dust fell into the room "AHH!" They Yelled, landing on the ground. There was a loud thud and then everyone was upstairs "So, You think it's FUNNY to eavesdrop on our conversation?? Hmm??" I Said darkly "W-Well, you see— um... We j-just wanted to make sure you weren't hurting our sister so...." Dust Said ".... Is that so?" I Asked "Yep." Horror Said "Well.... I suggest you get the hell away from me before I do something I'll regret...." I Said, summoning a knife.... They ran for the hills... I then noticed they heard what I said about Nightmare.... "YOU  BETTER GET BACK HERE SO I CAN STRANGLE THE LIFE OUT OF YOU!!" I Yelled, Chasing them down the stairs. I threw a knife in their direction. It missed them both by an inch... "AHHHH!! DON'T KILL US!!" They Yelled when I cornered them.... "That's Enough, Cross." Nightmare Said, wrapping a tentacle around my waist and dragging me into the living room. He placed me on the couch and walked into the kitchen. He returned with a bag of Hershey's Chocolate. He threw it at me. "Here. Eat some chocolate and Calm the fuck down. I am not letting part of my team die. No matter how annoying they can be." He Said "Ok...." I said. He left the room. I was questioning my whole life at the moment. 'Why did he stop me from killing them?' I thought 'and... why did he.... no... he was only keeping me from killing Dust and Horror. He wouldn't have grabbed my waist if it was different.... he probably would have left me alone...' I thought.... "HEY!" Shady Yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts "Yeah?" I Said "Your blushing!! Did 'NM' do something??" She Asked "The Fuck is NM?" I asked "It's Nightmare you idiot!" She Said "Oh... Yes! Yes he did." I Said "What'd He do??" She Asked "you realize he is right behind you right?!" I whispered in an angry tone "Oh.... YOUR ON YOUR OWN CROSS!!" Shady Yelled, sprinting up the stairs. "......Gotta go!" I Said, Running upstairs and into my room...

Hey there My Demons!!! How'd you like the chapter??? I hope you loved it!!! BYE MY DEMONS!!

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