New characters

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The first Character was given to me By TheGlitchAccount

Name: Herminia
Age: 6
Family: Her Older Brother, Cross
Secrets: She has a lot of secrets... but one ting that's tans out most is the fact that she is afraid of not being able to save anybody... that fear came from someone named X... she couldn't save someone and now she is terrified of not being able to save her criminal family... it is a secret and nobody knows about it...
Powers: Can Summon Knives like her older brother, Cross. But instead of burning people like Cross's Knives, they make the victim feel what she feels. For example:  If she says the words 'Pain and Suffering' then that is what the victim will feel.
Appearance: she has Long, Black hair, Red and Black eyes, and a witches hat. She has slightly pale skin and a royal purple and black dress. She also has black tights with royal purple and black boots.
Role: (I know you said you didn't know what your role could be so I Made one up... hope your okay with that XD) She puts on a facade of fear and says that she needs help to find her parents or something else a lost child would say to lure victims into her trap... she then helps Cross and Error to kidnap the victims.

The next one was given to me by shipperina224

Name: Guilt
Age: 15
Family: None
Secrets: apparently, None. Because the author of this book wasn't given that information about the character.
Powers: She can pop out of LITERALLY NOWHERE and scare you half to death.
Appearance: she has Long hair tied in a bun and a hoodie that covers her eyes. She has a mask
Covering her mouth. Stretchable ripped jeans that are like... three sizes larger then pants that will actually fit her correctly. (A/N: I honestly don't wear pants that are larger than my original size in real life... but I do wear hoodies and sweaters that are larger than my original size... so I can understand why you do that... its just comfortable XD) She has dark skin, honey-brown eyes, and a multi-colored bracelet that was given to her by a friend.

If anyone else wants to join, answer these questions in the comments:

Criminal or Cop:
Are you related to someone:
Do you have any secrets:
Do you have any powers:
What is your appearance:
What is your role:
Extra information:

Some people forget a few questions so I wasn't able to get it completely correct.  But whoever did Answer all the questions are now in the book and will make their first appearance in the next chapter and will be in the rest of the book as main characters. If you answered some questions then please answer the rest of them and you will be added. Thank you.

BYE MY DEMONS!!!!!!!!!

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