Chapter 8: Meanwhile, With the Criminals...

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(So, I know I said i would have a singing Battle this chapter... i lied... its just gonna be random events XD)

Nightmare's POV

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?" I yelled. "BECAUSE WE CAN, HENTAI-SQUID-THING!!!!!!!" Crimsom yelled "BITCH!!!" I screeched. She and Error were currently killing me on Minecraft PvP. "HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! DIE SQUID!!! DIIIIIIEEEE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!" Error yelled, laughing crazily while shooting me with a bow and arrow. "MOTHER OF FUC— AAAAHHHHH!!!!" I yelled, throwing the controller across the room in rage. I got up and walked out of the room. I could hear Error and Crimsom laughing. I ran into Spring.  "Oh, Hey Night. Have you seen Horror and Hell?? And Cross, Arisational, Shady, and Killer??" She asked "No, I haven't." I said "WE HAVE!!!" Herminia yelled. "Yeah!!! They went to the new Karaoke Bar in town. Apparently, they thought it was a good idea even though that is Cop Territory. Wouldn't wanna be there if your a criminal, but seeing as Horror and Shady are idiots... they might've dragged the others into the situation aswell..." Guilt said. "...... THOSE GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING IDIOTS!!!! I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF THEM WHEN, AND IF, THEY GET BACK!!!!!" I raged. Fresh walked up to me holding a jar with the words 'Swear Jar' on it in big, bold writing. "That, my totally un-radical broseph, would be Ten dollars. Hand It Over~" Fresh said. I growled and gave him the Ten dollars.

(Meanwhile, with Horror, Hell, Cross, Arisational, Killer, and Shady)

Arisational's POV

"So Then I said 'Do you REALLY think you can beat ME?!?!' and I killed him. Long story short: I won that game of Minecraft PvP aaaannnddd Nightmare is a sore-loser!!! AHAHAHAHA!!" Shady said, laughing like crazy. "Oh my god— That's HILARIOUS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!" Cross laughed. Horror was just staring into space. "Horror? You okay?" I asked. He just got up and left. "HORROR!!" I yelled. "Leave him. He'll come back eventually." Shady said. "Mmmm... Okay..." I said hesitantly

             Horror's POV

I walked out of the Building. I just... I had to take a walk or something to clear my mind... As I walked down the street, I saw that one guy... Nightmare's brother... the one who's a cop... we can trust him though... anyway, he was comforting someone... I walked closer and cleared my throat. "Hey?" I said, looking at Dream. He looked up. "Oh, Hey. It's you. One of Night's friends. Horror, Right??" He asked "Yep. That's Me." I said. One of the The other two people with him looked up and gasped, most likely at my appearance. "A-Are you okay?!?!" He asked. He had stars in his eyes, blue and grey clothes, and an overall happy and upbeat type of theme. "I'm Fine, Kid. It's just a skull injury and some blood, and it's not like I haven't seen or felt worse. No need to worry about me." I said. The other one looked up. He had tears in his eyes and looked extremely traumatized. "The better question is...... Are YOU okay??" I asked, looking at the one who looked depressed. "...... I...... I'm not okay..." He said "Okay, well... I need your name, as well as his name, so I can know who I am talking to. Please tell me??" I asked "My name is Lust..." Lust said "Mine's Blue!!" Said Blue. "Okay, well, as you could probably tell, my name's Horror." I said "Now, Lust, you don't need to tell me anything if you don't want to. But talking about things may help you feel better." I said, being careful of my words. He nodded and took a deep breath.

~*•One Explanation Later•*~

"A-And that's i-it..." Lust said. I comforted him. "It'll be okay... I promise..." I said quietly. "... O-Okay..." Lust whispered. "Well, I best be going. Killer and Shady will be worried, so will Nightmare. Although,  Nightmare juuussstt might kill me for going out around this time..." I said. "Oh, Night Isn't THAT cruel. He most likely would just smack you for almost getting caught. Also, Say hi to Killer for me... Okay?" Dream said, blushing softly. "Oooohhh~ Somebody Has a crush on a certain best friend of mine~ I'll be Sure to tell him exactly that!!" I said, smirking evilly. "YOU WOULDN'T!!!" Dream exclaimed "Um, I would. Unless..." I started. "Oh no... Your gonna blackmail me, aren't you..." Dream whined "Yep!!! So, would you... kindly... Get Dust and Shady to leave me alone about the whole 'Stealing both of their phones and dropping them in water' scenario?? I mean... it WAS an accident... maybe if you did that,  I wouldn't tell Killer... C'mon, Dream...... Please??  I am sick of them yelling at me for it. I'll even get Nightmare tospend time with you again!!" I said "Hmm......" Dream thought about it... and he nodded. "Sure. Where are they??" Dream asked. "At the new Karaoke Bar that opened up!!! We kinda snuck out and went there to see what songs we could sing...... ahehehe...... Nightmare is gonna kill me........." I said nervously. "Um... We're still here ya know!!" Blue exclaimed "Oh... Sorry Blue." Dream said "Why don't you both come with us??" I asked "Sure!!" Blue  said "O-Okay..." Lust stuttered. We walked back to the Karaoke Bar. I walked in only to get ambushed. "... Get the Fuck off of me before I chop your fucking head off." I snarled, looking into Shady's eyes with an angered expression. "HAH!!! THAT'S FUNNY!! BUT, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T BEAT YOUR SISTER IN A FIGHT!!!! I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL WHERE YOU CAN SUFFER THROUGH AN ETERNAL STAY REPENTING FOR YOUR SINS!!!" Shady growled  "I DARE YOU TO EVEN TRY!!!!" I hissed. Killer hit both of us with the handle of his knife and knocked us to the ground. "No. More. FIGHTING!!!" He hissed. "I WILL END BOTH OF YOUR LIVES IF YOU THINK FIGHTING IS THE BEST WAY TO END A PROBLEM!!! CUZ, GUESS WHAT?!?! ITS NOT!!! THERE WILL BE NO FIGHTING WHEN I'M HERE!!! SO SIT DOWN AND MAKE UP LIKE SIBLINGS!!!" Killer yelled, pushing us towards the table we sat at before. "......... Sorry." I said ".................. Yeah yeah,  I'm sorry too... Still Siblings For Life??" Shady asked "Meh, Sounds fun to me." I said. We both laughed for a bit. "THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!  BUT WILL YOU IDIOTS GET BACK HOME SO I CAN SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YOU?!?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!" Nightmare asked, appearing out of nowhere. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" We all screamed. "WHEN WE GET HOME, YOU ALL ARE DEAD!!!!" Nightmare yelled. Cross reluctantly walked up to him. We all did the same. Nightmare looked at Dream, Lust, and Blue. "You three can come whenever.  Dream knows where we live so... just follow him. See ya Dreamy!!"  Nightmare said. He teleported us all home. "Now..." He started "START FUCKING TALKING, BITCHES!!!!" Nightmare yelled. That's when I realized...... We fucked up......


I am proud of this chapter.........


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