Chapter 33

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**sort of a long chapter, but it's a good one.... I think.... depends on your definition of 'good' I suppose,,,**

Chapter 33

"Well, your pulse has gone back to normal," announced Dahlia, releasing Aveline's wrist. She flashed an encouraging smile that Aveline couldn't help but return.

"The nausea has gone away, but I still have this terrible feeling." To say these things aloud consoled Aveline somewhat; she'd kept silent about them for so long she thought she was going to scream.

It had been three days since Lady Belthrop had given them the damning file on Verignes. Things seemed to have cooled down to a humming terseness in the air that Aveline supposed everyone must have been feeling.

They'd all agreed to stay silent on the matter for now, and when no one had showed up to arrest them, or worse, Aveline had figured they were in the clear. For now.

It had been the most difficult to tell Eli. At first he hadn't believed her. Then Aveline had showed him the file herself, and the color had seemed to drain out of his face, and she knew he'd understood

Aveline knew how it felt; to struggle between a job and what was honorable. He'd come around eventually.

Once she was completely certain things weren't going to explode in the palace (everyone else was acting normal. They hadn't even seen Guernot since Ari had threatened him in the hall, which Aveline thought was a good thing, all things considered), Aveline went back to see Dahlia and Marcie. Not just for more medicine (though she had to admit; the mixture worked wonders), but it crushed her soul slightly less not to have to lie to everyone around her.

"Well, of course you do, Aveline," Dahlia said now. She began combining the ingredients for Aveline's tea, picking up small packets of powder from her desk and squinting at them. "I have taken away your physical discomfort, but I imagine that this experience will not be easy for you nevertheless."

Aveline frowned at her legs as they dangled off the mossy log she sat on— some rotting piece of a fallen tree. Her feet had taken on a sickly, almost greenish tinge.

"Am I the only one who knows about your condition?"

"You, and Marcie." Aveline nodded at the smaller girl who had nestled herself underneath a tree and buried her head in her arms. Aveline tilted her head.

"Have you considered the emotional toll you are undergoing by keeping this from the people you love?" Dahlia said this with her back to her as she stirred the tea.

"Trust me; it's not the right time. Not after what just happened." Aveline muttered, almost to herself. She couldn't imagine dropping this news on her friends now. They already had enough to worry about.

"Right." Dahlia's face turned grim. "The infamous Verignes opioid experiment."

"We're working on clearing your name, Dahlia, I promise." Aveline tried to sound as sincere as she could. "The least I can do is hold the Verignes palace accountable for what they've done. Stick it to the king's ass."

A rueful curve appeared at the corner of Dahlia's lips.

"I feel ridiculous having to come here and beg for your help, when you have so much to deal with right now," Aveline continued, hoping Dahlia wouldn't think she was selfish.

The witch waved her off good-naturedly. "I like to stay busy. It keeps me from worrying. Isn't that right, Marcie?" She tapped her spoon on the rim of her mug to get rid of stray droplets.

"Is Marcie alright?" Aveline inquired, when the child offered no reply. Her eyes had seemed sort of pink-rimmed when Aveline had greeted her earlier.

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