Chapter 8

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**Sorry for posting this so late! Nasty writer's block... but this chapter should be interesting. Either really eye-opening or just even more confusing... lmk which one it is!**

Chapter 8

In hindsight, Aveline should have perhaps seen this coming.

It all made sense: the vagueness around the case, Lyla's reluctance to talk about it, Jamie showing up just as they were taking the job...

"You'll likely be gone for quite a while, so I'd suggest packing most of your things..." Rowena was giving them important details, so Aveline attempted to listen, ignoring the fact that Jamie was two feet away smirking while Ari tried not to have a coronary.

"Um, I'm sorry," he broke in finally, interrupting the Queen- Aveline would be embarrassed about that later. "Why is she coming?"

"Because I asked," Jamie retorted with a sweet smile. "Is that going to be a problem, Captain?"

"No," he shot back, just as saccharine.

"Perfect," said Rowena, blissfully clueless. "Now, if this is all in order, I have to see to my guests. Lyla will fill you in on more the details. Jamie? I believe your brother was looking for you."

"Oh! Of course, Your Majesty." Jamie swept a deep curtsy before hurrying obediently to Rowena's side. "It really is wonderful to be back. I hope to see you all very soon."

Aveline really couldn't tell if Jamie's polite smile was genuine as they both left the room flanked by the Queen's faithful guards. She hoped it was.

As soon as the doors closed behind them, Ari grabbed both Aveline and Lyla's arms.

"I hope you know I was lying just then. This is going to be a huge problem."

Aveline rolled her eyes. "We know."

"Lyla?" He confronted the blonde royal. "What the hell?"

Lyla shrugged helplessly. "Jamie obtained special permission from the Queen. She wanted to be sure that you wouldn't get into any trouble."

Aveline, suddenly offended, felt her mouth drop open. "She said that?"

"I think she just meant Ari," Lyla amended, and Aveline relaxed.


"What do you mean, 'oh?'" Ari rounded on her. "This is horrible-"

She and Ari tended to alternate on who was going to be the sensible one; and Aveline figured this meant it was her turn. "It's... not the worst thing that could happen."

Ari gaped at her. Aveline pretended not to notice.

Ari then confronted Lyla. "So, what else have you been keeping from us?"

"Nothing!" The royal's face flushed. "Look, I was going to tell you both earlier, but I knew Ari would get all upset-"

"Upset?" He huffed. "I'm not upset. Who's upset?"

"You," Aveline muttered, glancing at the grandfather clock on the wall. "It's late. We should get back to the party before it ends. Lyla, I'm sure your mother will want you to fulfill your daily socializing quota, and I'm still waiting on a dance."

Actually, the party was the least of the thoughts on Aveline's mind, but she was hoping to catch Inez before she went back to her room for the night.

The muffled sounds of the orchestra increased as they walked back to the ballroom. Everyone was still dancing, the shimmering skirts of the ladies brushing the floors as they twirled. Lyla was pounced on almost immediately by her suitors, and Aveline left Ari to sulk while she went to find Inez and Henry.

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