Part four

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This was like those relationships, not even a full hour of meeting, and there already jumping each other, because boy were we moving fast in this non-existent relationship.

"Hold up, chill the fück out. Couldn't you maybe like  give me day before you tell me your secret!?" I asked shockingly, giving them an irritated sigh.

"I'm going to do something to that mouth if you don't shop cursing" Sin growled out again–which seems normal since he is a 'werewolf'.

"Hehe bet" I replied smirking. "Though I've got to say it's like you've  got a permanent stick stuck up your ass" I mumbled, not feeling the mood to start an argument.

I know, shocking.

Sin again growled glaring at me, ha I guess being a werewolf comes with having a super-duper hearing.

Kahlan cleared his throat, which he had now taken up as a habit of doing, but never ceases to draw our attention to him, "How are you not reacting surprised or even mad?"

I also cleared my throat "if you are-"

"We are" Jesus shut the fück up Sin

With a dirty look at Sin I turned back to Kahlan with a sarcastic smile. "As I was saying, if you are telling the truth then that I believe is awesome, because werewolves are equivalent to dogs and I love dogs."

"Don't ever compare us to dogs, those things can't even hold a candle to us" Sin AGAIN growls out.

This is out of hand now...

"Look boy I get it your a werewolf yada yada yeah, I get it, but you need to stop the growling, it's disrespectful and an annoying, so shut up, it's early and I'm still tired you. If not I'll hippidy hop my way over there and smack the white of you. Now, as I was saying. . ." My little speech seems to shut Sin up which I'm surprised with that boy seem to always have something to say which seem weird because he's the quiet one.

I turned back to Kahlan who was looking at our little argument with amusement in his eyes. I then continued talking "you and Sin being a werewolf really is. . .Nothing, like I already knew this world was weird I'm pretty sure something out of a fairy tale was real and plus aliens are real so... ehh"

"Well, I guess that's good, then, do you wanna uhh, see our wolves, " I could see how nervous Kahlan was to ask that question.

What did he think I would go ballistic and run away, nope.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, but first let me just eat, I'm hungry" I crawled off the bed that was too comfortable to be considered such but hey I'm not complaining.

Mated To Twins Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora