Chapter 13

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They all were surrounding me. I was cornered on a wall, they were walking closer. I put my ring finger on my thumb on the opposite hand as last time, and flicked my finger out, causing a gush of wind to go strait for Dabi. My finger was broken yeah, but at least I'm not dead yet.

"Geez kid, give up.l" Dabi said, getting back on his feet and walking back again.

This was when I noticed, they are trying to kill me. Use more force or die.

"Nah, I think this is fine." I said getting both my hands up and putting my middle finger on my thumb, and flicking both opposite ways.

That blast broke both my middle fingers, but it also sent Toga flying into the wall, and Shigaraki back behind the counter.

"Oh your a tough one, you just won't give up will you?" Kurogiri said finally speaking up.

"Not until I'm out of here at least." I say glancing at all four of them.

"Who said you were getting out any time soon?" Shigaraki said, standing back up behind the bar. I looked over at Toga, she was knocked out.

"I mean if I can get you three down. I could find a way." I said fixing up my fighting position and swapping to one that's more me like.

"Us three?" Dabi asked not knowing Toga was knocked out. He glanced over at the wall, then he just looked annoyed.

"Three." I said looking at the three that were now all walking closer to me.

So Dabi has a fire quirk if I can get him to blast at me, I can use one for all, and make it blast over to Shigaraki.

"Oh c'mon. You honestly are weak, of course I can take you all on!" I yelled with a fake smirk on my face.

"Oh someone's a bit cocky." Dabi pointed out. I laughed to myself, that was a bit cocky..

"Well, maybe I know I'm going to win. I mean if you don't end up using your quirk I just might." I pointed out.

"Smart kid." Shigaraki said. Which he didn't see the part that was smart yet.

Dabi decided to light up his blue flames in his hands, And I could tell Shigaraki had his quirk on, I mean he always does. I looked at Kurogiri, he also was ready to use his quirk if needed.

"Okay now, how cocky are you?" Dabi asked looking around at everyone who was standing in front of me.

"Very." I said not even changing the smirk off my face. Dabi looked to be starting to get annoyed. Just what I need.

"Oh you little-" he cut himself off from cussing by sending blue flames my way. I lifted my hand and put my pointer finger on my thumb, and flicked as fast as I could. At the last second I had got it to shoot towards Shigaraki. But Kurogiri used his partial, making it come up behind me.

As it came up behind me, I could feel the burning come all up my back. I screeched, and whimpered. Who knew Dabi's quirk was so painful. I fell to my knees. I knew my shirt was all burnt up in the back, and my back along with it.

"Looks like your plan didn't work." Dabi said coming up, and grabbing a handful of hair, and lifting my head up to look at him.

My breathing was off. I was having blurry vision. But I'm not about to go down so easily.

I grabbed Dabi's hand which was on my head, and started up my quirk in my hand.

Dabi noticed, and turned on his blue fire exactly where my hand was. It hurt, yeah, but I would rather not die. I acted like I was un-fazed and then tightened my grip on his arm, making the bones in it shatter.

Dabi yelped, and screamed, and that was my chance to get him down. He was off gaurd. I grabbed his other arm, and flipped him over. Making him land on his back with a loud thud. I activated One For All in my whole arm, and was about to hit Dabi In the head. Till I was pushed out the way by Shigaraki, and fell back into another portal I'm guessing Kurogiri made.

I yelled as I was falling, my quirk de-activated, leaving my arm purple, and broken from all the power, and energy that was once running threw it.

I yelped when I hit the floor. Wasn't a far fall, but still, it hurt.

I looked around, and I saw all black, besides a door made of metal, that had a barred window which was the only light source.

"This must be their basement or prison they have.." I whispered to myself.

I stood up from off the ground. My arm limp from being broken, along with a few of my fingers.

"Hello?" I yelled out, trying to get someone to come, and get me out, or at least to see if someone was there.

"What do you want?" Someone that sounded a lot like Shigaraki asked.

The person came to the window The was one the door. Blocking my light source.

"Why am I down here? Why didn't you just kill me?" I asked looking up at the man. Which I got a better look, as noticed it was "Shigaraki" I whispered that last one word to myself.

"Well you were about to kill Dabi, and I said we weren't going to be the thing to kill you. Well kinda." He said, and Leaned against the door.

"So what will?" I asked confusion all over my face.

-Why am I still here?-Suicidal Izuku\katsudeku Where stories live. Discover now