Chapter 9: the infirmary

Start from the beginning

I pulled he's head towards mine, and we share a kiss. To begin with, it's a soft, loving, gentle type of kiss, which escalated into a lust full, passionate embrace, as our tongues dance together. I yank him onto the bed, and he puts he's body in between my legs, as we carry on with our intense make out.

Although it was cut short, as the master comes bargain into the room without knocking, and catches us in the act.

Immediately Laxus throws himself off of me, and returns to he's chair, both of our faves as red as can be. "Wow I leave you two horny teenaged along for a second and you can't even keep your hands off of each other." He sighs. "How are you feeling, my child." He asks me, as he stood on the opposite side of the bed from Laxus, giving him the occasional glare.
"Better." I say, giving him a smile.
"Does it still hurt?" He questions
"A little." I admitted, sheepishly.
"Well I think is best if you get some rest, I'll have Laxus take you to your home, you should get some more rest Mira." He concluded, turning towards the door, to leave. Just as he's hands on the door handle, he says.
"Oh Laxus."
"What old man." Asks Laxus, back to he's cold self.
"Try to let her rest, before you defile the poor girl." He said, chuckling, and then left. Leaving Laxus and I bright red, and jaw dropped.

"Stupid old bastard." Muttered Laxus, breaking the awkward silence. I on the other hand was still shocked that the master would even suggest such a thing.
"It's getting dark, and your place is too faraway, so you'll be staying at my apartment, if that's okay with you." Announced Laxus, looking out the window, at the night sky.
"Y-yeah that's fine." I stuttered, attempting to climb out of the bed. Another wave of dizziness came over me, as I began to sway, and once again I fell, and once again Laxus caught me, and scooped me up into he's arms, so he was carrying me bridal style.
"P-put me down Laxus. I can walk by myself." I demanded flustered, but it was no use, as he strolled out of the infirmary, into the guild hall.

Although it was late, they was still a few people sat around the guild hall, as Laxus strolled in through, as if this was normal. Everyone had their eyes on us, I turned my head into Laxus chest, in embarrassment, my face was bright red. People started to whisper things, like. "Are they a couple now." "I'm surprised someone like her would go for someone like him." "What do you think the master thinks of them being together." "What's he doing with her." And various other things along those lines. But Laxus ignores them as he walked out into the dark night.

As we were getting closer to he's apartment, I began to feel the cold, as my dress didn't provide much heat, and began to shiver in Laxus' clutch.
"Cold?" He asked, he's eyes still on the path in-front of us.
"Yeah, a little." I replied, sheepishly.
Effortlessly, he used one arm to wrap he's coat around my body, before continuing on our walk, in silence.
"Thanks." I mutter, unable to meet his gaze.

He approaches an apartment block, and walks up to the second floor, still holding onto me, when we get to he's apartment, he gently placed me down onto he's bed, before rummaging through he's wardrobe, and tossed me a huge white T-shirt. Again I mutter a small thanks, but he simply remains silent, as he grabs some other clothes and enters he's bathroom. As I hear the sound of running water, I take this as a chance to quickly get dressed, into the T-shirt, which only just grazed my knee caps.

Once I was dressed, I took in he's apartment, it was my first time being here, and it was pretty big for only him. It was a pretty bare apartment, full of only the necessities.

After a while, Laxus finally emerged from the bathroom. In only he's boxers, and a small white towel around he's neck, he's blonde hair a damp, ruffled mess. I felt my face turn bright red, as I turned away from him. I was waiting for him to make fun of me, but he simply ignored the chance too. Even when I hated him, I didn't find it hard to speak to him, but now it was just an awkward silence between us, since that comment the master made about us.

"Sooooo..." I say, as Laxus plops down onto the opposite side of the bed into me, sprawling out into he's queen sized bed. "Where am I gonna sleep?" I ask.
"Here." He says, starting up at the ceiling, referring to he's bed.
"O-Oh okay." I reply, laying down onto my back, my hands knitted together, sitting on top of my stomach.
"Is that a problem." He asks, turning on he's side, he's hand supporting he's head, raising an eyebrow at me. Those coal coloured eyes felt like they were staring into my soul. I also roll onto my side.
"No it's fine." I answer, before rolling back into my original position.

We both lay on top of the covers in silence, before Laxus decides to actually get into the bed, and I follow suite. Then again, we both kay there in silence, starting at the ceiling. It wasn't anything I said, was it? I ponder to myself, as I rack my brain for why Laxus was acting of with me.

When he did the unexpected, and reached other, and pulled me against he's toned chest, my head resting against it, with a hand against he's lower abs, he's arms were tightly wrapped around me. He cleared he's throat.
"I love you." He said, he's voice barely above a whisper, hardly audible. My eyes snapped open. I pushed away from he's chest, so I could look him in the eyes, he looked to he's side, as a light pink colour dusted he's cheeks.
"What?" I ask, in an equally small voice, unsure I even heard him say anything. After a while, he finally looked me in the eyes, and repeated himself, a little louder.
"I love you, Mirajane." He said. I let out a small gasp out he's words. Originally i thought I was just another game to him, a little bit of fun for a while, until he decides to move onto the next girl. So I was genuinely shocked when I heard those three words, and even more shocked when I said.
"I love you too, Laxus." And snuggled back into he's chest, our bodies fit perfectly, like two jigsaw pieces. And we both dozed off into a deep slumber.

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